My other half just takes him round the house showing him things haha, his current favourite is a helium balloon we have from his baby shower! I do try and copy some bits we do in sensory but really it’s a lot of on the mat with little mirrors and toys, tummy time, and sitting in his bouncy chair thing watching me wash bottles 😅
I just talk to him, sing, play mat, tummy time, play gym ring, rattles and light up toys, peak a boo. I have a 3 year old daughter too she likes to sing to him and he enjoys it. Why do you feel like he's getting bored? You don't need to do a great deal with them at this age
Im the same at the moment my little boy cant quite hold his head properly yet but we are: -using play mat with toys -walk round the house -YouTube dancing fruit for a little break in the day Im debating on getting a ballon to tie to his legs now to see how that goes
What everyone else has said plus reading books - she loves to hear my voice and looks at the pictures sometimes too. Plus we usually go for at least one walk a day.
I have a bouncy chair and an arch with rattly toys he loves bashing. Not suitable if head control isn't great though as they can slump. That's about as good as I've gotten as well as the other bits you've suggested. I'm at that point though where he's tired of just looking at things and getting really active so I'm starting to struggle to entertain him when he can't play properly yet