@Sonia I don’t do tap water it gives me anxiety so we have water bottles instead and she does drink sips here and there during the day
@Sonia does this look like black stools tho or more dark green
Try warming the water up a little, she might drink more of it
You can also ask the doctor to prescribe laxatives or try giving her some kiwi or prunes
Has she eaten blueberries?
@Anais yes she did !
Blueberries can make baby poop black! 🤣
@Anais omg 😭😭😭
Looks like blueberry poop to me
I saw the pic before the title & thought these were burnt cookies 😂
@Indi LMAo
Iron fortified formula can cause black or even green stools and is completely normal. Start giving her 2oz of cooled boiled water before her solids to help with constipation as she adjusts to solids