Should’ve added, she was 4 months when the diarrhoea started*
Oh blimey. Poor thing! Luckily my little boy hasn’t got blood in his poo yet, however, the longer this goes on I am worried about anything else occurring. That’s interesting that she was 4 months when it started, because my LB is 4 and a half months and this started 16 days ago. Initially we thought he’d caught a bug from the swimming pool but 16 days later and a clear stool sample, we are now thinking it must be something to do with his milk. I’d be interested to see if I could try a different milk until he is able to start weening and then bring cows milk back like you are doing. Thanks for responding; that’s really interesting as the GP& HV initially said it would be usual for him to get an intolerance etc at this stage as he’s been on the milk since he was born x
I hope your LO feels better soon! We went from 3 poos a day to 10+, we thought the same as we went to a playgroup the day before it started. But we had a clear stool sample too! We went to aptamil pepti 1 first, it’s worth to keep asking about! Xx
@Holly Driscoll a friends daughter has been on the pepti 1. I’ll think it might be worth a try! My LO has previously only had poos every other day, so to go from that to every time he feeds and some more is a lot for him and totally not his normal!! X
We started with diarrhoea and no previous symptoms and are on amino acid formula now. We are transitioning back to cows milk this week to confirm a diagnosis of CMPA. I had to go back to the GP 5 times as she started having blood in her poo with it too. Finally a female GP who specialises in seeing children saw her and changed milk and now we’re here!