Diarrhoea / Lactose / CPMA

My LO is 20 weeks and he has been having diarrhoea for 15 days. Been backwards and forwards to the GP and also sought advice from HV. He has always been windy, occasionally a bit grumpy after feeding but apart from that doesn’t show any signs of CMPA etc. He has some patches of dry skin but nothing significant. GP sent of stool samples - clear. He is unsure where to go from here so seeking advice from a paediatrician. My LO is formula fed with Aptamil advanced 1. I’m obviously concerned about the amount of diarrhoea he’s having, how it isn’t settling & how when he feeds, it goes straight through him on most feeds! Has anyone else had any similar experiences?
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We started with diarrhoea and no previous symptoms and are on amino acid formula now. We are transitioning back to cows milk this week to confirm a diagnosis of CMPA. I had to go back to the GP 5 times as she started having blood in her poo with it too. Finally a female GP who specialises in seeing children saw her and changed milk and now we’re here!

Should’ve added, she was 4 months when the diarrhoea started*

Oh blimey. Poor thing! Luckily my little boy hasn’t got blood in his poo yet, however, the longer this goes on I am worried about anything else occurring. That’s interesting that she was 4 months when it started, because my LB is 4 and a half months and this started 16 days ago. Initially we thought he’d caught a bug from the swimming pool but 16 days later and a clear stool sample, we are now thinking it must be something to do with his milk. I’d be interested to see if I could try a different milk until he is able to start weening and then bring cows milk back like you are doing. Thanks for responding; that’s really interesting as the GP& HV initially said it would be usual for him to get an intolerance etc at this stage as he’s been on the milk since he was born x

I hope your LO feels better soon! We went from 3 poos a day to 10+, we thought the same as we went to a playgroup the day before it started. But we had a clear stool sample too! We went to aptamil pepti 1 first, it’s worth to keep asking about! Xx

@Holly Driscoll a friends daughter has been on the pepti 1. I’ll think it might be worth a try! My LO has previously only had poos every other day, so to go from that to every time he feeds and some more is a lot for him and totally not his normal!! X

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