@Irina he is saying he doesn’t want to spend the money and it’s a lot but he only has to pay $430 and it’d only be for two days. Instead he wants to do a ton of stuff in FL before we go to Disney and even talked about going to South Carolina on the way back 😅 and wanted to rent an expensive jeep wagonear to drive down there. I don’t care about any of tht stuff. I just want to go to Disney bc we never travel and won’t have the chance to do this anytime soon. And unfortunately I did buy the tickets before telling him. I wanted to make reservations at the Disney castle just incase we did decide to go and ik it books up so fast/ super hard to get into so I bought one ticket and then read to not wait purchaee ur tickets to late bc Disney gets booked fast in spring so I bought the tickets so incase we did want to go it wouldnt b booked up.
How is his relationship with your daughter? It might be about the money…but I think if it were his child he might make the sacrifice even if it were something he didn’t want to do.
Is it about the money why he doesn't want to go? Also, did you book the tickets without asking him first?