What travel double stroller do you have? Been searching for a while!!
Get some suction spinners and put them on the window. Will entertain your baby for hours.
@Kiran We tried a couple and landed on the Baby City Jogger double (I think it’s called ‘mini’ version)! Absolutely love it. It’s so compact it folds smaller than our single. Not overhead compact size but we just take it right up to boarding and they check it there then I baby wear when we get off and grab it with our luggage
Noise cancelling headphones are helpful, tablet if you don't mind screen time, neck pillow and eyemask, chewy sweets to help with ear popping, colouring book and pencils. Those all helped when I took my 4yo and newborn on holiday x
Honestly our best “toy” for flights was the tablet. We had the Amazon kids tablet, but now we use miacademy and duo ABC on the iPad because we can control which apps they’re “stuck” in with parental guided access.
IPAD!!! - Download drawing games, any of them work theyre all the same, and small clips like - vegesaurs (bbciplayer) & any bedtime videos to calm them and distract them from the ringing sound being on a airplane, also you never in over the ear headphones.. they can use them with or without sound, helps with pressure - that will get you through 30 minute intervals , inbetween that get texture toys, like squishy balls, or an activity book filled with different textures (not usually heavy and can carry it in their carry on bag, that’s another 15 -20 minutes every now and again …. Make sure you get them to walk as much as humanly possible before the flight, so they don’t get restless during and won’t need to explore the plane as much as sitting will be a welcome break. Get them a sleep suit/ light body jacket that covers them head to toe, way easier than a coat. You most probably will have to disrupt their sleep schedule but the war will be won ! Goodluck