
My EBF 4,5 month old hasn’t had a bowel movement for 7 days. We tried massage, bicycle legs, prune juice, tummy massage and nothing has helped. Any suggestions? Thank you x
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That's actually pretty normal for an EBF baby. I remember when it first happened to us, I was really worried, but with EBF babies it can be up to 2 weeks! We never made it that far, sometimes we got to 7 or 10.


If a 4.5 month old is constipated that's a pediatrician visit. They shouldn't be constipated being EBF at all. 3days sure but 7

We did go and all we got was Lactulose and Senokot (which says 12 years plus).

@Eleanor was the weight gain slow as well? Since I had mastitis and I got sick a couple of times her weight gain has slowed down. She is also very distracted on the breast and will feed for 10-16 minutes only.

I felt like weight gain wasn't crazy fast, but my little one's pediatrician was not concerned as he was following his own growth curve. Babies do get really distracted at about 4 months. They also get more efficient at removing milk! I did have to take my little one to a quiet room with no distractions for him to really nurse, but 10-16 minutes at a time sounds just right!

This link talks about frequency and milk output! And this one about growth:

I BF my son and he started going poop every 5-7 days when he hit about 2.5 months. I started introducing oatmeal cereal at 4 months and he would poop every 3 or 4 days. I didn't get poops every other day until around 6/7 months when he was eating purees 3x a day. At 13/14 months, he started pooping daily and still is now at 18 months.

i used pear juice and it worked wonders

@Eleanor thank you I’ll have a look. I spoke to a lactation specialist and she recommended feeding more frequently. I am very hesitant with the medication they have given me.

@Sydney I only tried prune so far but will give pear a try as well x

@Melissa was it easy introducing food at 4 months? I gave her prune purée and she was not fond of it.

Feeding more frequently sounds like solid advice. When exclusively breastfeeding, you can't really over feed baby. They will tell you when they don't want to lol. The key when they start to get distracted is to provide them a nice quiet environment to nurse in, frequently, so they are getting good nursing sessions in. Something I was told that has been very helpful for me is that baby's nurse for three reasons: comfort/closeness to Mom, hydration, and for hunger.

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