I started planing before I was pregnant. Finally just started getting decor in the shopping cart. It’s not till end of June
My son will be one on June 7th and I’ve already got invites ready to be sent out!
I've known my theme since I was pregnant and I started planning in Janurary. Her birthday is 6/22. I've gotten a few decorations, food ideas, and drew the invites so far. Ladies, keep in mind that summer is grad party season. So if you're having your party at a venue, book NOW.
@Hayleigh great advice! We have a bar for one birthday so no reservation for us thankfully. But that could be difficult to get a venue
I booked the venue last month for my daughters birthday. I plan on sending out invites a month prior
@JANETT I like the month prior. I wasn’t sure when to send out our birthday invites
I just wanna do a simple at home bday party. I have no clue at all what i want the theme to be but I was just gunna order some stuff off Amazon 😂 I just didn’t wanna look crazy to my family if I send out invites now but knowing it’s grad season which I totally forgot about makes me feel a lot more justified 😂
Before she was born???? Oh yea
@Manuela same she’s my second so I wanted the first birthdays to match
@rylie i did tell some close friends with insane schedules already to make sure they mark us down lol
Rn she’s got a big scratch on her forehead so I was gunna wait til that heals in a day or two and do a cute photo shoot and just create a fb event and invite all my family and some friends lol
I started buying stuff especially with Party city going out of business
I haven’t given birth yet & already planning first birthday party! 😆 I wasn’t prepared for pregnancy phase memories.. so I really want first birthday to be memorable & have all the milestones on display. For my pregnancy I wish I would have taken weekly clips instead of just pictures. For baby, I want to capture all the monthly milestones & firsts of everything. First meal, first bath, first dress, first onesie, first etc… Am I too much? Probably.. 🤭🤣
My baby’s birthday is July 26th as well, and i already started planning too😭
I started planning my little one's birthday in November 😂😂 Her bday is July 11th... so far I've ordered balloons, a banner, and a few other things. I already secured the chair and table rentals. I guess you can say i like to plan 🤩