No they do that on the first midwife appointment x
I was asked to do a urine sample at my booking appointment. I was asked to do one in the hospital after my 12w scan yesterday.. aaaand I’ve been given a urine sample tub/bottle that I need to take with me & fill at my 16w appointment😅
😂! I guess all areas are different then!!!
Yes I had to do a urine sample during my 12 week nhs scan, but they gave me a urine bottle while I was there and did it there x
No, I’ve been told that I only need to take one to all my midwife appointments - not any of the scans! ❤️
I had to do a sample at my 12 week scan appointment as well as my booking appointment at 10 weeks.
I had to do one for my 12 week scan and it also stated that on the letter too
No, just make sure you have a full bladder for your scan. Xx