For me, it was a really heavy period about a week after I was due on. We didn’t try the following cycle to let my body recover, then fell pregnant the following month. Absolutely sucks at the time, with a whole load of emotions, but does get easier x
@Ali ahhh sorry to hear that, how far was you when you had a MC? Have you managed to conceive after both? X
@Rachel congratulations on falling pregnant! How far are you now? :) and yeah it’s so strange, it’s like mourning something you never truly had in a sense! X
I don’t know if this was one because I brushed it off so quickly as I wasn’t educated on it, didn’t know it was a thing and never went to the doctors about it. But anyway I remember kinda getting faint positive test results then negative again and then later having a really heavy and painful period. I was so confused honestly. I then googled it not too long after and I felt like, maybe that was what that was. The next month tho I got a positive pregnancy test and just had the baby in January.
I was about 8 weeks. My miscarriage was end of June/beginning of July. It took me awhile to get pregnant again after, but that was because I took a break for testing. Then I took metformin thinking it would be helpful, but it actually screwed up my cycles and I didn’t ovulate for several cycles. As soon as I stopped the metformin I had another chemical. That was the following February. Then I conceived in August and am currently 32 weeks! I honestly think if the metformin didn’t screw with me I would have been successful sooner.
@Ali yeah I used to be on that for pcos but didn’t stay on it long! Congratulations, not long now!
@Chí that’s exactly what happened with me and I was so confused when I got the negative!
Mine was just like a late period. My tests started getting lighter and then I started bleeding. We had two back to back chemicals. Skipped one cycle and started trying again. We fell pregnant the following cycle.
@Ali 8 weeks is a miscarriage and not a chemical pregnancy they are very diff experiences x
@Shannon I think she means she had a chemical followed by a miscarriage x
@Shannon incog asked how far along I was for my miscarriage that happened after my chemical.
Wishing you the best on your TTC journey and hope you get your rainbow baby soon 🤞🏻💕
As others have said, it was like a bad period. I've had two, both times i was passing a lot "matter" similar to what you pass postpartum. They were more painful than usual and definitely heavier.
It was just like a period for me. I got HCG blood testing until it came back at 0 (which it was by the time I started bleeding). I tracked ovulation again right after and got pregnant again within that cycle. That one unfortunately ended in a miscarriage, but I was able to get pregnant again