Not Pooping?

My newborn will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. I’m FTM and saw a pediatrician video the other day that said newborns usually poop a lot until about week 6, then it drastically drops. My little one is formula and breastfed, about 50/50. He was pooping about 5-8 times a day, and the past 5 or so days he has only majorly pooped like 3-4 times. He was straining/making pooping faces for a couple minutes yesterday after I fed him and he kind of cried for a few seconds, but then was back to normal in no time. I checked his diaper right after, but there was nothing. Should I be concerned? Is this that “drop” in poop already? If he’s constipated, what can I do to help him?
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My 5 week old is not pooping as much right now either. Don’t think you should be concerned. You can always ask your pediatrician, but I’m not worried. As long as they don’t go without pooing at all.

Same! My baby used to leave a big mess every diaper change but since yesterday night she’s gone a couple diaper changes without much poop or none. However, during the day she had a poop explosion. 🫣

Our pediatrician said around 5 weeks they have to start to learn to poop on their own so it may slow down

My EBF baby just turned 6 weeks and has been having 1 giant poop every other day for the past week now. And ages 3-5 weeks he was having 1 big poop a day. Very normal for Breastfed babies! So considering you’re combo feeding I’d say that 3-4 poops a day is still very normal, as long as they’re not showing signs of major discomfort.

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