Are you EBF? Breastfed babies can go up to 10 days without poo and it's ok. If you are concerned you can always talk to your health visitor
My baby did this at around 3/4 weeks when she was breastfed. I think it’s to do with their digestive system developing. She eventually pooped and after another 3 or so weeks she became more regular. Personally if it went over a week I might speak to a midwife/ dr but otherwise I think it’s fairly normal.
Give your baby food that could help him poo like Pear
i am on day 12 of baby boy not pooping - currently trialling cosmocol to help
@Nina He’s formula fed, sorry should have wrote that on the post x
@Zara he’s only 13 weeks old, sorry should have wrote that in the post x
If he has always been pooping once or twice in a week then probably something wrong with the formula you giving probably doesn’t suit his body you should definitely get it checked he should be pooping Atleast once a day as he is only 13 weeks
Have you tried some probiotics? :) i am giving my daughter probiotics every day to promote good gut health