Baby doesn’t poo without laxatives

Baby boy is 15weeks (breastfed). For first 2-3 weeks bowels were fine he went every other day but then things changed (for no apparent reason). Since then he needs laxatives to go every time. Doctor said it’s fine for babies to go up to 10 times a day or every 10 days both are completely normal. (I’m not sure i agree with not going for 10 days but I’m not an expert!). Doctor said if he gets to around 8-10 days give him laxatives to make him go. Which is what we’ve been doing since a few weeks old. I just hate having to put that in his system every couple of weeks. He gets so uncomfortable by around day 7-8, hate seeing him like that. Anyone else had a baby that doesn’t poo? (He is on a small dose of antibiotics every day, since birth due to a kidney issue which may not be helping? But he can’t come off til he’s had a scan but it’s impossible to get an appointment due to low staff hospital, don’t get me started on that one!) Thanks!!
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That sounds so stressful. I'm not a medical professional by any means so please check with your Dr or health visitor if its OK with his kidney issue- but could you try a probiotic? I know a lot of people swear by them for tummy issues especially when babies are on antibiotics.

My lg is the exact same she’s formula fed though rather than breastfed. She’s on lactulose and my dr advised me to go max 5 days then give her some but I changed milk too this didn’t change anything at all, I feel so sorry for her she’ll sit there pushing and nothing happens. I’m the same as you I said to the dr surely this isn’t normal and he just said they start weaning at 6 months it’ll change then but it just seems horrid that we have to give them something to help them go toilet

I’ve never heard a doctor say it’s normal to go without for 10 days. My doctor and HV both said if it gets to 5 or 6 days then to seek medical attention/advice.

@Catherine yes, he’s on a probiotic, we started taking him to a chiropractor (she specialises in babies) and she suggested a probiotic so he’s on that to help his gut. I’m surprised the doctors didn’t advise it as I wasn’t to know so hopefully that’s helping to balance something but hadn’t affected poo’s yet. Thanks!!

My first EBF baby would go 10-12 days without pooping from 0-4m without fail. And yes I asked my dr / nurse / HV every visit. They all told me the same thing - it’s normal. My second EBF baby went at least 3x a day. Same as my 3rd (currently 4wks) - there was no real diet change between the 3 of them. Has anything changed in your diet? Are you taking iron?

@Kelsea yes it’s lactulose he’s on too. Oh did they say 5 days! Maybe i shouldn’t leave him 8-10 days then?? How much do you give? Doctor said 2.5ml morning and afternoon then if doesn’t go after a day up it to 5ml (which i usually have to do). Yes horrible for them, sorry yours is going through it too!

@Sultana yeh google said 5 days so first time took him to the doctor but he said he spoke to a paediatrician and that’s what she said but doesn’t seem right to me. Feel like I can’t take him back because they will just tell me the same thing.. Thanks!

@Sharnee reassuring to know you heard this was normal too. Nope nothing I can think in my diet that has changed and I eat relatively healthy. No not taking iron, will look into taking this if will help, thanks!

@Jess iron might actually make them more constipated which I thought might have been contributing to if you were taking them. If you are concerned just seek reassurance from your dr. But so far my first is a happy, healthy, hyperactive (almost) 3yo poop machine

@Sharnee ah okay re iron! I’m not majorly worried but at the back of my mind when we get over a week I’m always like this can’t be right. No one I know has experienced this so kinda want some reassurance to known that others have experienced this too and it’s fine. Don’t want to find out I’ve been messing up his bowels by not looking into it more. Thank you for letting me know your little one is okay

Mine used to struggle with pooing from 3 weeks till 4/5 months. He’s 10 months now and has no issues. We got put on lactose and did 2.5 2 times a day every day. After a week he was pooing every day. Every so often I would drop a dose and see and eventually we were able to come off it

@Aitch that’s interesting. Good to know he has grown out of it. I assume by time he’s eating solids will work itself out I just don’t like the idea of keeping putting medication into his little system, but assume it’s not doing any harm or they wouldn’t say to give long term

@Jess I get it but it was more torture seeing him struggle and be in pain as he had not gone. It defo sorts its self out in the end. I took the same view of if it’s bad the drs wouldn’t prescribe it

@Aitch yeh I agree if it stops them being in pain it’s worth it

My sister didn’t poop much as a baby, apparently she was getting just enough nutrients from her feeds that there wasn’t really much waste left to poop, her body was taking everything it could get

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@Sophie that’s a good way of looking at it, didn’t think of it like that

My little girl also stopped around 3/4 weeks old. Was also going upto 10 days without, combination feeding. Been to see numerous consultants in hospital, GP’s, HV, all told different advice. Finally got onto lactulose & movicol sachets which worked only combined, with a plan to wean off. Have done & now she has gone 4 days again without so giving movicol again today. The reassuring thing they did tell me is that the bowel cannot become dependant on them, as both work as drawing water in to the bowl, not a stimulant effect like other laxatives, hope this puts you at ease. Otherwise, been told the same as yourself should be ok once weaned etc. Let’s hope 🤞🏼 x

@Ellie thank you that’s good information to know!

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