I'm not sure on breastfeeding safe ones but I will say, I'd be careful applying on your chest as it'll transfer onto baby regardless when they're feeding and it's developing so they'll end up with a tanned cheek/face! I've just avoided putting any on my chest area while I've been feeding as it's probs not great for their sensitive skin as well as being in/around their mouth when feeding.
I just didn't tan my chest 😂
@Jenn I’m fully aware, the tan I have used I’ve avoided my chest.
@Jaime I’ve done the same but I want to try and find one ready for summer so I can at least tan some of my chest😂
I've always used bondi sands whether breastfeeding or not. I don't tan my stomach and don't tan my chest too far down towards my boobs and it's never been an issue for me! Xx
I just use the dove one It’s never even crossed my mind about it being safe 😭but it’s never been a problem except he has a brown face
I haven’t bought it yet so can’t comment on how good it is, but was considering buying Tropic gradual tanning moisturiser and just not applying any on my chest. It has all natural ingredients so my thinking is it should be safer, although I’m no expert.