Also try getting liquid formula instead of powder could be a sign she’s allergic(stomach problems ect.) to the formula . I had to switch my daughter to liquid cuz the powder tore her stomach up n would make her constipated
Gripe water is only recommended after 1 month old x
When we switched our baby over to formula, she seemed constipated as well. Our pediatrician said if doesn’t go within 7 days then a doctors visit is needed but if she doesn’t seem uncomfortable within the 7 days, then baby is okay.
Yep formula does constipate a lot of babies it’s got added fortified iron which is why they say breastmilk is the most easily digestible for babies…my first I tried so many and she was still constipated I gave up and went back to breastmilk albeit not mine, I got some from donor breastmilk Fb pages. She was on donor milk for a whole year.
Gripe water!!!! Helped alot when we switched my daughter