@Aleena Oh okay! So it should be fine to wait until monday morning to ring them? xx
I think at that age I’d only go 48 hours. I know once they’re a bit older some babies can go quite a few days (up to a week) without x
Having a similar issue and called 111 for a nurse callback. They prescribed movicol to help and suggested a constipation formula. They said it’s common when changing between types of feeding, and you might notice her belly becoming hard and her bringing her legs up to her stomach and straining. If you call 111 they should be able to help fully over the phone and get a prescription sent over to you to help make her comfortable until her digestion regulates again. Just make sure baby doesn’t have a temperature and isn’t showing signs of distress, in which case they suggested it’s best to go to an urgent treatment centre to get checked over
My 3 week old hasn’t pood since Tuesday. Health visitor told me to wait until it’s been 5 days and then go to gp. She went 4 days before and pood on day 4 but now it’s been another 4 days since then. Will be going to gp Monday if nothing by then
My health visitor said it’s normal for baby to go a couple days without pooping but 3+ should be looked into