Community Posts, Tips & Support on Second Trimester

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Second Trimester.

Gestational Diabetes Test

How long after your test did you receive the results and how did you receive them? Call/text/email?


How many of these should I take a day?

36 weeks on Saturday. Does it bring on labour quicker as I’m not quite ready yet 😂


Is this a really obvious nub theory?

I think it’s a baby boy!? Or am I looking at a leg? Taken at 12+2


Pregnant again after a mmc and then chemical last month

Feel so anxious. I hope this pregnancy doesn’t end in miscarriage 😔


Glucose tolerance test

Hello, mommy friends. Who's taken their glucose tolerance test? I'm here for the 3 hour test now. 🙄 I was hoping to pass the one hour test. Unfortunately, I did not. This is my 4th pregnancy, and each time, I always fail the one hour test.


Glucose test should be illegal 💁🏾

Haven’t eaten since 9 last night & im heading in for my 3 hour glucose test. Was instructed not to eat anything since 12Am last night. Now they gonna give me a bottle of sugar juice and have me sit down for 3 hours to see how I react. . I’m in my 3rd trimester. How is this legal for pregnant women around the world ?…


Reproductive immunology/antibody tests

I am gearing up for my third embryo transfer in January and I am looking into further testing before this goes ahead. I'm keen to hear if anyone has experience of testing for antinuclear antibodies, anti-thyroglobulin antibodies, anti-DNA, NK cells, Th1/Th2 cells etc.? Did the results reveal anything new? If so, di...


Anyone good with nub theory?

12+1, any gender guesses? 🤍


At what point would you tell work you’re pregnant?

This is my first baby and I am only 5 weeks pregnant. I have a very good relationship with my direct line manager. It’s obviously very early but they’re making all sorts of plans for me next summer and I feel a bit bad sitting in these meetings knowing I’m not going to be there. I could tell my line manager only and...



32weeks+4 days pregnant. Growth scan on Monday, 5lb 9 baby. Been advised he is ‘big’. Tested at 24 weeks for GD, negative result. Due to his size from Mondays scan, asked to do home testing (4 times a day, fasting first thing and then 1 hour after every meal). I’m finding my results are all over the place, some are ...


36 weeks - so uncomfortable

I’m 36 weeks today and for the last week I’ve really struggled. Sitting is uncomfortable, so is laying and standing. This baby feels so low and ready to come but I’m not ready for him to come yet 😔 Anyone else struggling? I work at a computer all day and cannot concentrate with being to uncomfortable all the…


Nipt question

Has anyone gotten there nipt testing back and it came back atypical for the gender?! I’ve been to my dr already and I see her again on Tuesday and I’m going to have an amniocentesis to make sure everything is ok. But I’m nervous. So far I feel like if something bad could happen it has for me. And I’m terrified somet...


Sour stomach?

Anyone have a sour stomach pretty consistently in the first trimester? I’m not sure if it’s to be expected or my anxiety.


2 under 2!

Hey guys, I’m completely freaking out. Im 21 and I just found out that I’m pregnant with my second, my first is 9 months old and I don’t know if or how this is gonna work. I have 1 family member that lives near me and my mum lives 2 hours away, my partners family while supportive is not really the type of people I c...


Not dilated and 39 weeks

I’m due 11/7 and went to the doctor today and baby is low but I am not dilated at all. Anyone else having this issue? What are you doing to dilate?


Work & pregnant

Just curious to know if anyone has had any risk assessments/health and safety checks done at work yet since being pregnant, If so what measures have been put in place? 🙂


Horrible 1st trimester 2nd baby

Is anyone else having a horrible 1st trimester with their second pregnancy because since being pregnant I’ve been in the ER 3 times needing fluids and hospitalized once for abdominal pain and they send me home because baby looks great but I’m not great though 😭😭😭


Getting out of drinking

Is anyone else struggling with telling people why your not drinking or eating certain foods? We choose not to tell anyone (even parents) until after our 1st private scan - I’m terrified it’s not going to happen, so thought it would be easier this way - but I seem to have plans every week which would involve alcoho...


Contractions picked up on monitoring?

Went in for reduced movement today and they monitored me and had a scan. I had mentioned to the midwife I had really bad back ache since this morning on and off. The monitor picked up contractions. As baby is in awkward position the back ache I think is the contractions. She said could just be quite a few braxton h...


Has/did anyone used this during pregnancy ?

Says it’s safe to use when pregnant but to call dr. I’m just a bit embarrassed to ring and ask. I know it’s just precaution they HAVE to put that on the box, says to ring a dr about taking painkillers when pregnant too. I just want to know if anyone else has. X


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