Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Third Trimester.
My testing place had me drink 100mg glucose for both the 1 hour and 3 hour tests. But I’m reading online that some places do less sugar for the 1 hour tests. What is your experience? Same amount of glucose each time or less for the 1 hour?
I’m 22 weeks tomorrow and starting to get lower back pain now. Is anyone else in the same boat? I know my bump is getting much bigger now so I’m contemplating getting a pregnancy pillow. Has anyone got any recommendations? Any other tips for helping with back pain would be greatly appreciated ❤️
Has anyone tried the Babybub pillow or another brand with the same design. These ads are super compelling but I’m hesitant to spend $50 since this is my last pregnancy (even though they do have free returns for 90 days after trying it out). If you’ve used one, let me know if you think it helps you sleep more comfort...
Hey guys, when did you buy your pregnancy pillow? Also any good recommendations for U shape pregnancy pillows?
Hey August mums! Could anyone recommend any good nursing pillows that have worked for you? 🇬🇧 shipping
Hi ladies I’m 21 weeks and starting to feel the bump a lot more. I’ve been considering buying a maternity pillow but not sure if they’re worth it. Will they be very necessary when I get a lot bigger? I’m conscious that I’m being targeted with lots of pregnancy and baby ads at the moment and don’t want to waste ...
Hi everyone, has anyone started buying a pregnancy pillow? Any thoughts on which one to choose? I like the small pillow but am unsure if it’s good enough for back support. Please share your thoughts or experiences. Thank you! 🤍🤍
Have you guys started to use pregnancy pillows yet? And which one have used or looked at?
Has anyone introduced a baby pillow and duvet for their bubbas yet? Now we are entering the colder months I feel like the sleep bags just aren’t enough anymore and am just curious to see if anyone has started to introduce them yet?
Sorry, not pregnancy or child related… but I’m always confused when it comes to buying eggs. “Free range”, “organic”, “pasture raised”… 🤔 Can one of you other moms dumb this down for me and let me know what’s best to buy? Thanks in advance! 😅
Hi! I was just wondering if anyone has introduced a pillow yet or what the recommendations for these are? I know NHS says not until 1 but I’ve seen some medical journals say not to introduce them until after 2?
This is a bit off track but I'm looking for some books to help with anxiety during pregnancy. Does anyone have any recommendations?
I’m so happy I finally got one! Idk why I waited so long or never got one with my first but I love it! So comfy 🥰
Its time to buy a good maternity pillow and some maternity leggings for office wear. Any tried and tested suggestions please. Priority is comfort. TIA😊
What about pillows? Any bu s use them? Are u planning to use one
I have no idea if I'm being dumb or if it's just the way I sleep. I've got a sausage long full body pillow and not a clue how to use it. I tried to find some info on the best way to use it as it was a £100+ pillow (dumb purchase, I know), and then I bought a different style one for cheap. It's like a circle cut in h...
Hi ladies! I bought the Amazon pregnancy pillow but I’m not liking it. I’m thinking of buying the mom cozy one but I want to see if anyone else has it and likes it? Or have any other suggestions? Thanks ☺️
I’m starting to feel so uncomfortable sleeping and could do with a maternity pillow. Any good ones out there? I used to have a ushape one but it felt too big on my bed.
I introduced a baby pillow from Asda last week with my guy. It says for ages 1-4. I never bought a pillow slip/cover for it as I just assumed it could be a suffocation hazard.. now I'm thinking his pillow will just get dirty with slavers and snot etc. Has anyone who has introduced a pillow used a pillow slip? And w...
Hi mummas! Was hoping to get some nursing pillow recommendations as I plan to breast feed, any suggestions are appreciated. (also reasons why they’re good would help too). Hope you’re all well and are having happy & healthy pregnancies 🤍👶🏻TIA x