35 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a honeydew melon!

35 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a honeydew melon!

Week 35 at a glance

At 35 weeks pregnant, you’re hurtling through the third trimester like an Olympic athlete, with your eyes fixed triumphantly on the baby medal awaiting you at the finish line.

Or maybe you’re tired, your bladder’s gone rogue, and you’re nostalgic for when you could eat your favorite curry without a massive dose of heartburn.

Excitement about the new baby and boredom with the physical strain of pregnancy can be vying for supremacy inside you as you get to this stage of your pregnancy.

But whichever you’re feeling right now, we’ve got all the fun facts about being 35 weeks pregnant to distract you – before your next trip to the bathroom.

In this article: 📝

  • Week 35 at a glance
  • Baby development at 35 weeks
  • Pregnancy symptoms at 35 weeks
  • Pregnancy tips at 35 weeks

Baby development at 35 weeks

As a 35 weeks fetus, your baby is now about 18 ¼ inches long from head to heel and about 5 ¼ pounds in weight.

Of course, you don’t need to know what kind of fruit or vegetable they currently resemble…

Just kidding!

They’re the weight of a honeydew melon and about as long as two bananas balanced on top of one another.

(Now that’s a way to stave off the pregnancy boredom.)

Your little one is getting all cute and chubby, putting on fat to keep them warm after the birth.

This also means that their skin is becoming smoother and losing its wrinkled look.

Plus, did you know that your baby’s brain triples in weight during the third trimester?

Soon enough your little Marie Curie or Albert Einstein will be teaching you a thing or two.


Is baby fully developed at 35 weeks?

At 35 weeks fetal development is going strong: your baby’s circulatory system, musculoskeletal system, liver, and kidneys are up and running.

However, their brain, nervous system, and lungs still need a bit of work.

Can a baby be born at 35 weeks and be healthy?

The good news is that a baby born at 35 weeks (classed as “late preterm”) has over a 99% chance of surviving, possibly with some extra oxygen to help them breathe after delivery.

Pregnancy symptoms at 35 weeks

So, baby’s shaping up nicely, but how are you feeling?

Bearing in mind that every mama is different, here are some of the 35 weeks pregnant symptoms that you may be enjoying (well, enduring) right now:

  • Heartburn, indigestion, and nausea at 35 weeks pregnant are unfortunate side effects of your beautiful uterus blossoming and getting in the way of your stomach.
  • Peeing, peeing, peeing – sometimes even when you’re not expecting it. Yep, get practicing those Kegels because your baby’s head pressing on your bladder can lead to incontinence and frequent urination. Not to worry: pop on a pantyliner and you’ll be fine.
  • Sore ribs if your baby is now positioned head-down and kicking!
  • Skin rash on your stomach (called PUPPP – pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy – wow! Just try saying that three times quickly…). It’s harmless but can be itchy and irritating.
  • Headaches every now and again are normal, but let your healthcare provider know if they become severe and won’t go away.
  • Trouble sleeping (see all the above).
  • Braxton Hicks contractions – you may have been getting these little practice contractions for a while. It’ll soon be time to watch out for the real thing!


How many months is 35 weeks pregnant?

Although doctors measure the pregnancy progress in weeks, you might find friends or relatives asking you what month you’re in.

So, to satisfy their curiosity: 35 weeks pregnant in months is… 8 months.

What are the signs of labor at 35 weeks?

If you go into labor at 35 weeks pregnant, the signs are typically similar to what you’d expect when going into labor nearer your due date.

Watch out for your water breaking (it can be a gush or a trickle) and increasingly painful, regular contractions.

Time to grab that hospital bag, mama! It looks like baby’s eager to make their (slightly early) entrance.

Pregnancy tips at 35 weeks

Not sure what you should be doing at 35 weeks pregnant?

Well, here are some handy tips:

  • Get your Group B Strep test done.
  • Dive into some reading about newborn care, but don’t stress – you’ve totally got this, mama!
  • Plan ahead for labor, especially if you have other little ones or furry friends to think about.
  • Be prepared for anything with a baby first-aid kit and infant CPR class to boost your confidence.
  • Make your baby’s nursery a cozy and welcoming space by adding the final touches.
  • Pack your hospital bag with all the essentials (and maybe throw in some snacks for good measure).
  • Stock up on remaining baby gear and postpartum care items for yourself – you deserve it!
  • Learn about labor and delivery, but remember that every mom’s experience is unique and special in its own way.
  • Keep up with your Kegels to prep for childbirth and postpartum recovery.
  • Finalize your birth plan and ask other moms for their experiences and advice – it’s always helpful to hear from those who have been there.
  • Keep track of your baby’s movements and kick counts to ensure their health and happiness.
  • Stay on top of your prenatal appointments and check-ups.
  • Get meal prep going to ensure that you and baby are well-fed when the big day arrives.
  • Install your car seat and practice putting it in and out of your car – safety first, mama!
  • Schedule a car safety check to give you peace of mind.
  • Consider signing up for a breastfeeding and/or pumping class if you plan to nurse or pump – knowledge is power!

Baby could be here at any moment, but don’t worry, mama ‒ you’ve got this.


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