Community Posts, Tips & Support on Pregnancy Care

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Pregnancy Care.

Telling people

Hey everyone, Due August 10th just had 12 week scan wondering if I should tell people and how to. I don’t know why I feel so scared to tell people. Anyone else feeling the same way or how did you tell friends/ work colleagues



I am currently 11 weeks pregnant with my second pregnancy and have had blood work results showing I have low TSH. My obs/gynae has suggested I book an appointment with a endocrinologist, which I have. I am just looking for any advice/information from others who have been through the same? I have no idea what it cou...


Post birth smear

Has anyone else been told they don't need the 3 month post birth smear? The GP nurse just sent me away and said my smears are up to date and last one being normal I'm not due one for another year, doesn't matter I've just had a baby...?! Yet the midwives were adamant I'd need one 3 months after giving birth. So conf...


Antenatal/maternity ward etiquette

Am I being crazy or do people on the ward have no courtesy for others. I was admitted into antenatal ward with and the other patients are listening to music and telly with no headphones and taking calls on speaker at all hours (5 am this morning, what a treat)!


Can’t get into gp till after ten weeks

Can’t get in to gp till 10 weeks ! Is this normal as I thought booking appt was between 5/6 weeks. This is my third including a miscarriage and I just feel anxious about having no maternity care untill ten weeks x


NHS doula service

Posting this anon due to my circumstances I escaped domestic violence recently and had to relocate 500 miles from my original location I know absolutely no one at all here and I'm due to give birth soon and don't have anyone who can be with me at the birth so I was googling and I came across a doula page that said ...


Pregnancy yoga 🧘‍♀️

Hey all! Can anyone recommend any online yoga classes please. TIA ☺️


PRH midwife teams

Hi I was wondering if anyone else has difficulties contacting their midwife team? I’m under care of the ruby team and I’ve tried to call them a few times now and no response and no option to leave a message! It’s so frustrating, I’ve tried to contact some of the other teams too but nothing. Has anyone else’s midwive...


39 week appointment

Hi, hope everyone's ok 😘 My next midwife appointment is on Thursday where I'll be 39+1. Does anyone know what will typically happen? Just thinking as I'll be so close to due date will anything be offered/will I be asked/booked in for an induction? Surely I won't just book in my next appointment for another 2…


11dpo,12dpo,13dpo the line is the same?!

I know the lines are good for this stage but the last 3 days it’s been the exact same darkness. Is this usual?! It goes in date order top to bottom


BMI in pregnancy

Does anyone know if BMI still counts in pregnancy? I’m 24w and I’ve put about half a stone on this pregnancy and I’ve now crept just into the “overweight” part of BMI (25.1), does this matter? Will I have to be tested for gestational diabetes now? Please can someone reassure me 🙈


Children at midwife appointment

I’ve got my 16 week midwives appointment tomorrow and I don’t have anyone to look after my little girl. She’s 3 and well behaved, she’ll just sit there quite happily! Have people taken siblings to appointments before? Just don’t know the general rule and if the midwife would frown upon it or think it’s inappropriate


Gestational Diabetes

I just wanna give props to everyone who has to do finger pricks for testing glucose levels! I’m 32 weeks pregnant and may have developed gestational diabetes late (I passed my 1 hour test easily) so I have to test my glucose levels 4 times a day at home and I really struggle to get enough blood from my finger to test



Ladies in northern Ireland pregnant with 4th last baby was COVID times so don't know how things have changed since then. Do we have to ring up for each appointment or do they send out a letter for your each appointments.



Hi there. Considering pethadine as pain relief. Anyone had this before? How well does it work with regards to pain relief? Is dimorpheine still offered? I really don’t want an epidural due to the increased risk of an assisted birth. Thanks Becky


Extremely thirsty

Anyone is else extremely thirsty at 35weeks pregnant?



Line eyes or actual line?


Has anyone ever taken too much metformin?

I’ve been accidentally taking the wrong dose for 2 weeks! (I’ve taken more than the recommended daily dose 🥺😭) Going to ring the diabetic team tomorrow but I’m so worried.


Best pregnancy/new baby books

Hi all, can anyone recommend any good books they read through pregnancy to help them prepare for birth/having a new born etc! First time mum, kinda freaking out 🤣


Faint line?

Please help a girl out!!!


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