Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
We are really late and my girl only started using toilet/potty since December. It’s going great with pees, hardly any accidents and she goes in nursery and in public without problems. But she still doesn’t want to poo on toilet or potty. She is just doing it in mornings when she still has her nappy on , if I take i...
Grandparents watched five-year-old, gave her a Taco Bell burrito at 1 o’clock then no food until I picked her up at 6
In my 4th month of weaning my daughter, I started this journey when she was 6 months, she’s now 10 months. It’s been a really enjoyable experience so far she’s doing really well with different textures, colours, taste! She gets so happy about trying different foods, makes me happy seeing how much of a foodie she is!...
I just got offered a full time job and although I am excited I’m also very sad. My son will have to go to daycare. He is currently 10 months and will be starting by the time he’s almost 1. My heart hurts knowing I won’t be there as much. How do working moms do it ? This is already so hard and I haven’t even started
I had the worst experience today during my daughter’s 1 year review. She’s on the 99th percentile and has been for a long time now (since she was about 5-6 months old). She is formula fed due to a traumatic birth, weaned at 6 months and there’s not been one food that she doesn’t like which is amazing and I’m so prou...
I know this sounds like a silly thing to worry about but my baby starts nursery soon and her nursery provides breakfast, so part of me is wondering whether to just skip her breakfast on the days she goes in to save time? Because I’ll be in such a rush and I’ll already have to wake up extremely early! But also wonder...
I got a call from my sister in law while I was getting my little one ready to head out the door. My son was at recess, and another kid had him pinned against the fence repeatedly punching him in the stomach. My sister in law was freaking out and yelling out the window for this kid to stop. Screaming at the teachers ...
I’m a pretty low maintenance friend. My mental health pretty much keeps me at bay but I am trying to work on it💪 I don’t really have any hobbies or many interests just trying to stay alive every day for my babies so it all keeps me exhausted on the daily😅surely im not the only one tho and if I am, then that’s even…
Has anyone been to both? If so which do you recommend both are the same distance away from us but not sure which one is better for a day out? Thanks
For those of you that are now giving solids, how are you working this alongside the bottles? How many bottles are you giving and with how many meals? Has your baby dropped any ounces or even a whole bottle? For some reason my mind has gone completely blank to when I weaned my daughter a few years ago and I just can...
Hi 👋 How long in advance do you need to secure a place at a nursery in Sheffield? I am currently in second trimester.
nice to her. Like, he asks how she’s doing, and gives her good advice, and compliments her. He doesn’t talk to me like that, he talks to me either by complimenting my body or pretty much something related to sex. Idk, it just seems like he talks to her the same way he would talk to me when we were just getting toget...
We have never lived anywhere but the suburbs and city of Chicago in our 30 years. We are moving away from all of our family and friends. It’s a lot to process 🙁 I’m looking for mamas in the area to connect with as well as recommendations for good daycares. We would likely enroll for daycare around her 2nd bday.
I am my Grandmothers current caregiver and she was just approved for more hours. My shift is 9 to 4. My daughter gets dropped off at 8 and picked up by 5. I wanted to pick up at least 5 more hours of work. But now I feel guilty for having to drop my daughter off at least and hour early. I feel guilty for having her ...
Did you teach your child or did you rely on the school?
Anyone else’s baby constant rubbing their eyes, ears and head? I can’t tell if it’s teething or something else is going on
My baby is 14 weeks old (3.5 months) and has been drooling a lot and biting his hands and more irritable. Trying to chew on his fingers and mine. Seems to be calmed or soothed when using a stage 1 or 2 teether. I called his paediatrician today to ask about teething remedies and she said he’s not teething, he’s too...
Day 4 of potty training and not seeing any difference? LO has been wetting herself and pooing in knickers and not saying she needs the toilet. Nursery take her to the toilet regularly but she had 2 accidents yday and 2 today. Is this normal or is she not ready?
Do you pay family to look after your child while at work? Someone told me they give family £200 for a month to cover food, going out, softplay etc yet their family doesn’t take their child out I don’t pay ours for the one day they have her but I offered to send them money for her milk as I didn’t pack enough but th...
Finger food lunch ideas for an 8 month old please?