I did that . He has only just turned 2 I just thought it was a joke ! He obviously doesn’t understand yet properly just made me feel like I was doing something wrong x
@Joanne I don’t think you did anything wrong 😊
Thank you for that 🥰 all I can do is watch him closely as he’s my first baby he is good with kids always watches and laughs at them sometimes plays nice at soft play but then can do this 🙈 x
@Joanne Yeah exactly! My daughter will sometimes hit and I think she just gets over excited and doesn’t know what to do with that emotion
They are still only just toddlers! What do people expect it does my head in 🥺 obviously we tell them off but he doesn’t know that’s wrong yet 😭 xx
In that situation I would apologize to the child/mum and tell my daughter that was unkind and take her away for the situation. For the other mum to immediately tell her child they should fight back is ridiculous. Your child is obviously young and doesn’t understand.