Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
I haven't showered in over a week, since my baby was born (over 7 weeks ago) I've showered a total of 4 times, and my laundry has been done once. I feel like I can't get a shower without making sure my partner will be okay with the baby for 10mins. I'm not sleeping because I'm in pain or because my partner oversleep...
This is my 4th pregnancy, and it's been the same every single one. I honestly just can't stand him. His presence, his voice, how he acts. I think maybe because I've got on with him doing bare minimum as I'm a sahm and he works and cknes back home late and tired, i just allow him to do minimal when it comes tonhome a...
My baby is 4 months old now and for the last 2/4months my partner and I have just been constant arguing, I’m genuinely just feeling really low and sad at the moment and do not know what to do at this point! Anyone else in same boat?
So I work 3 days a week, my partner WFH 5 days. I do absolutely everything around the house and cook everyday while pregnant and look after our 3 year old. He currently pays all the bills. I am mentally and physically drained of doing it all alone. He says I pay the bills so I have to do everything else? Is this fair?
Had period pains and a lay in so husband took baby to have her in the living room this morning but then woke me up as she had a dirty nappy that needed changing by me?! How do I address this as he's changed one nappy since she's been born. He knows how to and will do it if I'm not there otherwise I'm the default p...
This man does not understand a thing about how pregnancy changes a woman’s typical body functions. I just called to make reservations for dinner which I wanted for 5-5:30 pm bc if I don’t eat by then I am STARVING. The restaurant only had 6:30 so I was upset because now I have to eat two dinners or at least a very h...
Sometimes I just feel like I don't want anyone to need me and to stop to-do lists constanty rolling through my head, I just want time on my own and quiet! I feel bad saying it because my husband does his best to help with everything but because he doesn't look after baby as much as I do, he still asks me questions a...
So basically I had to have an emergent surgery to get my gallbladder out. Day 1 my husband and mom were here with me. Day 2 my mom and husband were both here with me but my husband was gone almost the whole day cleaning the house (very grateful for) but he came back 30 minutes before I had to go to surgery. My broth...
My boy is 4.5 month and has generally not been too “difficult” of a baby.. he hit the 4 month regression around 3ish months so night time sleep got worse, but he never had too bad of a witching hour or anything like that as a newborn. However in the last 2 weeks, it feels like he is just mad all the time. Anything I...
My bd is in jail and my lg is normally taken to visit with her gran and then sleep there the weekend but this time she’s on holiday so his gf has taken lg ( gf lives with gran ) I’ve asked if she wanted lg overnight but about an hour later I’ve felt extremely anxious so picked up my daughter up gf said she complete...
Help!? Me and my BD share a place and a car to raise our kids. At times he acts like we’re together. He disappears at random times and doesn’t say where he’s going he’s always been like this. I hate it. As for me I’ll share my whereabouts. I’m an over thinker and always think he’s out with someone else. I don’t know...
My boy is 18m soon to be 19m and he’s so fast now he’s almost running, I lost sight of him for like a second today in the shop and my heart sank and I shouted his name quite loud, my bf said that I’m embarrassing and need to stop this he said I’m like this when he falls over, like I will gasp and make a big deal but...
Was supposed to go in-laws to celebrate LO’s birthday. But one of the family members disclosed she’s sick. What do I do? I have two young kids and can’t really afford to get sick at the moment due to issues ( doesn’t sit well To knowingly attend when I know there’s a high chance of us getting sick as just recently ...
Hey ladies I’m in a situation that I don’t know what to do…. My partner and I have been together for 7 years have 2 kids 6 yr old and 21 month old. We got into a massive fight a week ago and he physically threw me out of the house and ever since that fight it hasn’t been the same I don’t feel safe I’m constantly wat...
Currently revising ours like shoeroom weekly, kitchen ongoing, etc.
Since day one my little guy has HATED being in the carseat, ergo car rides. He has great lungs and can and has cried an entire car ride before (sometimes 20-30 minutes straight). At some point the cry-it-out method is the only thing we can do. The way i see it, if we take a break, take him out, its only a temporary ...
Need to start leaving my LO with my husband so I can go to work. Anything to make sure this process is smooth? Feeling so stressed and anxious about this.
Would you be annoyed if your sister in law drove past your house every day but never came to visit her niece
Why am I annoyed? Those dirty looks. Scanning eyes. I don't understand other moms trying to compete with me. I'm very intuitive so I pick this shit up instantly and it's very annoying Example. Every Saturday I'm at an activity with my son I see the few same moms. I like to get there early so my son can just gen...
I used to live with my in laws and moved out after giving birth as they caused my PPD. Telling me what I should do with my baby, bitching behind my back,dismissing my rules around my baby. Long story short they love to backbite me but act fake to my face. Whenever I go there they will never bicker but once I leave I...