Community Posts, Tips & Support on Parenting

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.


Morning ladies. My son just started daycare this week. Drop offs have been hard and he can't talk so I don't know if it's normal or if my mom senses are tingling. Just dropped him off this morning and he tightened his grip on me and didn't want to let go. Picking him up after, and he doesn't seem like my happy baby...


Does anyone else have such bad crippling anxiety that they rarely go to public spaces alone with their kids?

I have a 3 year old and a 4 month old and I’ve never been to a baby/toddler class before, I spend pretty much all my days off with my kids playing in the house/garden or going to the park! I just feel like this is frowned upon or at least for me anyway. I understand the baby classes and stuff are more for us to get...


Money difficulties getting me down

Hi! Just wondering if anyone is in a similar boat to our family. We are both working parents (he works for an energy company and I’m a primary teacher). He’s full time and I work 3 days. We are really struggling to make ends meet. I mean we are literally in and out of overdrafts every month just to get through. It j...


How do I have the conversation?

Long one, buckle up… Currently 29+6, both my mum and MIL have offered to help with childcare when it comes time for me to go back to work next year. So far the rough plan is for us to put LO in nursery 3 days a week & my mum and MIL each have them 1 day a week. I work shifts so we’ll need a little flexibility arou...


Am I overreacting or would you be upset too

I'm 20 weeks with our last baby. This has been a super rough pregnancy on me (HG) Yesterday I went to the store and husband asked what I got. I said cookie dough and icecream. He said "gross". Like what!? For one, he forgot that today was 20 weeks. Some flowers or a simple little woohoo! today would've been nice. F...


Am I being sensitive?

I just had a baby a month ago and we love our bundle of joy! I live in the uk, originally from Canada where all my family resides. I have 4 nephew/nieces all of which came at a time where they each had their moment! The first born nephew to sister 1 was adored to death for 3 years before his brother showed up who ...


Fed up

My 3 year old is driving me insane. I feel like he used to be such a lovely happy calm boy, but since turning 3 he’s become attention seeking (despite getting solid undivided attention almost all day), the push back is constant, he never wants to do what we ask him to do - even if it’s for him such as getting his co...


Parents in Law..

Just thinking ahead to when the baby comes about family coming round. My family are local and would know to drop in for a bit in the early days then go but my parents in law live about 3 hours away so when they come they would stay which is all good. My partners mum is really nice but quite overbearing for long peri...


I feel like a horrible mom

My son's birthday is in 3 days My first kids birthday we went all out, so many toys and gifts and had a ton of people/kids there to play with her She has obvious interests but our son doesn't, he likes everything but sometimes he doesn't like anything if that makes sense Maybe I'm in denial or whatever about him ...


How to give feedback to adhd husband

My husband took a week off of work to look after me, well technically to look after baby as I had surgery on my foot. He took it off after I tried to look after her and my wound opened, which meant I really should just be resting. But, he is here, and he is playing fifa whilst im with LO. He probably thinks there ...


Mother in law

Hi I am just in need or a rant and some advice. There is so much more to this situation but if i was to talk about it all I would be here forever! So first of all my son is 18 months now and walking and my mother in law has now asked to take my son out for a few hours we asked if she could do it at around 2:30 and m...



I'm currently just over 2 weeks postpartum and my husband has just gone back to work. My little boy goes to preschool all week. My husband is fine to take him when he's off from mon-wed but we have noone else to to take him Thurs and Fri. The school is only less than 10 mins away in the car so I'm debating whether o...


3 year old suddenly having meltdowns/tantrums

My daughter is almost 3 and a half and has quite literally never had tantrums or meltdowns in her entire life until the last month or so when suddenly they've started completely out of the blue. I thought I'd just skipped them all together and was relieved and thought I'd just got lucky! 😂 I really don't know how…


Overbearing mother

Long post- What should I do? TIA for the read My mother has been pushing boundaries I didn’t even know existed since I told her I was pregnant. This is her first grandchild, and she’s already treating him like some shared asset that she gets rights to. To name a few things that made me uneasy; she had her coworkers...


How would you feel if your bd told you he doesn’t like how you been talking to your 1yo daughter (i do not yell or raise my voice at her) i asked him was he playing or serious he said he’s serious so i asked him to explain to me a situation where i was talking to her in a way he didn’t like he said he can’t remember...


Intuition or paranoid?

Everytime fiancé and SD (9) is around me, he always leaves her phone in his car….i asked why, he said “she doesn’t always need her phone”, but everytime he has her & I’m not around I ALWAYS hear her playing on her phone…idk if I’m being paranoid or if my intuition is telling me he’s keeping something from me.


Need advice

Need some advice about my 1st born father My 1st born is gonna be 5 this month and I just enrolled him in T-ball, well I let his dad know the coach name and when his meets will be ok cool, he comes gets him today and ask for the coach number I say ok I’ll text it you when I get to my phone, I was in the middle of ...


I will do a large haul of groceries but my husband will still go to the store to buy things for random dinners. I spend 100s of dollars just for him to turn around and spend 50-60 dollars to make a recipe he finds, but he doesn’t..

Check to see whether we already have some of the ingredients at home. What should I do??


Dad not being in the delivery room

He has made this pregnancy so stressful emotionally, physically and mentally. This baby isn’t his ( it is tho lol) he doesn’t make it easier with our 2 year old daughter I have to do everything. Granted he works and I stay home since I lost my job in December. But once he’s home he just doesn’t help. Everytime he ge...



In laws came over for a brief visit, MIL asked us a couple questions, when did he get his first tooth and when did he start eating food blah blah.. so i told her and asked what for, she informed me she was making a "my first" book for us.. HE ALREADY HAS ONE Why does this piss me off so much ugh


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