Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Parenting.
Had period pains and a lay in so husband took baby to have her in the living room this morning but then woke me up as she had a dirty nappy that needed changing by me?! How do I address this as he's changed one nappy since she's been born. He knows how to and will do it if I'm not there otherwise I'm the default p...
I'm really considering leave my partner. I'm unhappy in myself and us together. We've been through alot and I've all stuck by him through his own struggles but I just can't cope any more. I feel I don't get the help and understanding from him. I see that he manipulates me using his and my own feelings and actions ag...
This is my 4th pregnancy, and it's been the same every single one. I honestly just can't stand him. His presence, his voice, how he acts. I think maybe because I've got on with him doing bare minimum as I'm a sahm and he works and cknes back home late and tired, i just allow him to do minimal when it comes tonhome a...
Need to start leaving my LO with my husband so I can go to work. Anything to make sure this process is smooth? Feeling so stressed and anxious about this.
Would you be annoyed if your sister in law drove past your house every day but never came to visit her niece
Why am I annoyed? Those dirty looks. Scanning eyes. I don't understand other moms trying to compete with me. I'm very intuitive so I pick this shit up instantly and it's very annoying Example. Every Saturday I'm at an activity with my son I see the few same moms. I like to get there early so my son can just gen...
Anyone else solo (not single) parenting? My husband works long hours, massive commute. He leaves for work about an hour after Lo gets up and gets home about 30mins before he goes to bed. More often than not he has to do some work at home on the weekends too, to keep on top of things. I love looking after my baby but...
I used to live with my in laws and moved out after giving birth as they caused my PPD. Telling me what I should do with my baby, bitching behind my back,dismissing my rules around my baby. Long story short they love to backbite me but act fake to my face. Whenever I go there they will never bicker but once I leave I...
long story short, my bf and i haven’t been getting on well at all recently, our daughter is 10 months old and our relationship was close to ending a few days as we just aren’t getting along. Today, as i was getting ready to shower my bf kept saying he’s taking our daughter to see his mom and grandma (i am not okay...
Feeling very down right now. Need to take baby boy out more often but I’m often held back by the fact that I’m very overweight and can’t do some movements easily- esp in public. Things like getting on and off the floor with him. Carrying him for extended periods or maybe running. I don’t want to go out just us two...
Long story. My current partner slept with a girl a couple of years ago. He told me how much of a mistake it was, she was awful blah blah. Fast forward a few years and around 8 months ago she got his number and started messaging him on WhatsApp. She is constantly messaging him about the past and wanting him to go...
Hi everyone!!! How are you doing? My son’s 13 months old now and I am sooo lost!! Every day he has a new update (I call them updates 😅) in the system and I have no clue what to do with him anymore 🤣 i’m not back at work yet, so I spend most of my days with him. He’s always been a great eater; now he has decided he…
I just had my baby 2 days ago, I’ve noticed that he’s sleeping all the time and isn’t even crying to be fed, it hits 3 hrs after his last feed and I get so worried because he doesn’t show signs that he’s hungry and it scares me so bad. I’m feeling really overwhelmed because I had to be induced and I was not mentally...
My MIL (76) has always struggled with her knees, back and hip. She's just been diagnosed with arthritis in all those areas, moderate in her knees. Some days are better than others. I have a 13 month old who is in nursery Monday - Wednesday. I'll soon be going back to work on Fridays so wanted to put him in nursery...
I have a 1 month old baby, and I am not Nigerian, but my partner is. When he has called his mum back home she has commented that we need to not hold her as much as he usually is holding her on the call and that we should let her cry which I feel uncomfortable with and feel the baby is too young for. Atm, we hold her...
Is anyone else feeling their partner doesn't appreciate how hard pregnancy can be? Anytime I have a little moan or say I'm struggling with something he makes a little comment like being pregnant isn't a disability Still 7 weeks to go but I'm feeling huge and tired. I'm trying but just don't feel up to doing everyt...
I would like a second child because I think long term I would enjoy having a bigger family and love the idea of my child having a sibling. (I am an only child and wish I had a sibling). My husband is not so keen on the idea as he works long hours (50+ a week) and says he always feels so tired. I feel like long t...
Am I the asshole my mother in law lives 10 minutes drive from me since baby been born she's only seen her a handful of times (she's 5months old ) last time see she her was just before Christmas the other day my partner bumped into her in the shops and she was moaning to him as to why we haven't been round and how mu...
I’m just thinking how mad I would be if I finally had a few hours to hang with friends then get angry messages from my spouse
Omg… so I know yall will love to hear this horrific fucked up story! My baby daddy is a 31 year old man and is constantly on VrChat (we broke up months ago and I’m currently in another state with another man) he wasn’t paying any kind of child support and was running around his little game on his headset saying he ...