Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Toddler & Child.
Hey mamas, I cant work out if I over or underfeeding my LO. She had total of 500ml formula, 100ml water daily. Today she had 100ml of cerelac with 1/2 apple and 1/2 pear, 2 medium strawberries, 1/5 of avacado, about 50ml of plain yoghurt, 100ml of roti mixed with carrot curry. Am I underfeeding my baby? I had a c...
Hi guys, anyone else’s baby not eating well? My boy hasn’t been eating great over the last month. He is still breast fed and eats great at breakfast (fruits, yogurts, toast), however when it comes to eating at lunch and dinner he is literally refusing. I try a variety of food such as chicken, pasta, rice, potato’s h...
Am I the asshole for not wanting intimacy with my partner? We have intimacy 2-3 times a week but now that my baby is taking less naps during the day and my only time to relax and have my “me time” is at night when the baby is sleeping. But here comes my partner ready to get it on and I just don’t have the energy or ...
Pic in comments
Little one has these on tongue which Just noticed so not surprising he's not eating. No other symptoms.. any clue what they could be?
I texted my husband can you grab me a jelly or iced honeybun I don’t want a regular one so if they don’t have either then just stick with the KitKat”
How do you discipline your little ones? I know that a lot of their behaviour is them not knowing it's wrong or not being able to regulate themselves when they are angry etc. but there are times when my little boy just fully goes against what I've asked or does something he knows is wrong. What do you do in these si...
So for context we own a fair amount of land, I’ve wanted rabbits since I was little, I’m now 28 and pregnant with our second baby. I’m more live in the moment and enjoy the beauty of life and he is more logical - I’ve put on held all of my dreams for nearly 5 years, I’ve settled into a great career and finally find ...
Hey, is anyone really struggling with finding a job that works with nursery times? My child is 3 now so universal credit are doing everything they can to make me go back to work. I was initially working 35 hours a week until we were made homeless and relocated, this was only last year. We’ve been moved to an area th...
We are thinking to separate/ divorce. We have savings that we will of course divide, I will have over 50k in savings will that be enough beside me working full time? This questions might sounds crazy/ stupid for maybe many of you, but I am nervous anxious and stressed by thinking that it will be all me with the ...
Is this normal behaviour? Whenever my daughter meets her friends at the park she always goes to thena and ask if she can come to their house. And she knows where one of her friends live and says that she wants to go to this friends house. I have now told her that it is remade to ask to go to their house and we only ...
What snacks are we feeding little ones? Any snack ideas most welcome, for at home or for out and about, thank you!
Husband was making dinner this evening and put honey on some of the chicken. I said our 10 month old couldn’t have honey because it could make her really unwell. He said he didn’t put honey on all of the chicken and that she could just have the bits that didn’t have honey on it. I said that I’d just make her somethi...
My 14 week old has been incredibly unsettled, not sleeping, lots of crying. I’ve felt really low unable to work out how to help him or make him happier. After an emotional chat with my husband about it all this morning, he took the baby for a few hours to give me a break. When he got home, he said he took him to his...
Anyone’s else’s partner always grumpy? He’s just so miserable, don’t get me wrong I love him but he just never smiles, ive spoke to him plenty of times about it but he never wants to do anything/go anywhere (unless it benefits him or it’s something he wants to do) I try play around and joke with him and he’s just no...
How do you feel if your partner has female friends? I find it difficult because I know everyone can just be friends, but I don't really trust my husband making female friends. It seems stupid because I know I can just be friends with males, but I intentionally do not make new male friends, but he only talks to f...
Let me preface this by saying I do not judge you for being a SAHM. The following is about a specific individual, not my opinions on SAHM’s in general. Getting it out of the way in a case any offence is caused. A friend and I were having a conversation about my plans for when baby 2 arrives. I work full-time and e...
Hello, I recently just had my 3rd kid a few weeks ago and it’s been a bit of a roller coaster. I have 2 toddlers, a 3 yr old and 1 yr old. The plan was to just have 2 kids so it kinda hit me when I found out I was pregnant again and now that he’s here it’s been a bit hard adapting to this new change. Very emotional ...
I have a 2 year old and a 4 month old baby and we still haven’t gotten used to having two kids yet, but my husband basically refuses to watch both of them at the same time to give me a break. A couple nights a week he goes to recovery meetings (he’s been sober 7 years) so I do bedtime by myself and he never has to d...