Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby Care.
hello!! we’re moving to a house soon but there’s only a shower and no bath tub? what does everyone do in this situation? my boy is 14 weeks so is slowly getting much bigger and not sure what to buy him as a bath? thank you xxx
Is it normal for babies to get constipated when starting solids? How long does that happen for and what can i do to help?
What are we all doing regarding bath seats? My 4 month old currently uses this but the last couple of times he’s started lifting his bum up and arching his back to splash! Now he knows he can do it he won’t stop and when doing it he’s coming above the part in between his legs and could easily fall out of it and slip...
Can anyone recommend? All the ones I’m seeing seem to be too big.
For anyone using water wipes and have brought some in the past 2 months I’d recommend opening them and smelling them and trying them on your face. We use them for our toddler and recently they’ve started smelling of chemicals and giving him a nappy rash! Just thought I’d give people a heads up as weve had to change ...
My daughter has started choking / coughing up like she has milk gone down the wrong hole, but this has started happening and she isn’t drinking anything so I’m unsure why or what she is choking on. Any one else’s baby the same?!
took my son for a haircut today. i’ve been to 4 different places since we moved!! every time i show them exactly what i want (and it’s a picture of him with the haircut!!) and the barbers seem to cut it however tf they want still. before we moved my brother cut his hair and he always looked so cute. 4 different barb...
Baby is 4 months old EBF and has not had a poop in 6 days now! She's gassy but no poops ANY TIPS ON HOW TO MAKE HER POOP???
Since my daughter has started having cows milk we’ve had issues with her bowel movements. They’re so infrequent and all different types. Today’s movement caused her a lot of pain to pass, and it was rock solid and two different colours! The pharmacist recommended we try lactulose to help soften her stools, sometim...
My son is coming up 7 months on Thursday and we have been weaning on purées since he hit 6 months old. He’s lately starting to struggle having a poo and when he does they’re quite hard and not much of it. I think he’s constipated but sometimes he sounds like he’s in so much pain trying to poo. Has anyone else had th...
Hi ladies, I hope everyone is okay🩷 my little boy will be 7 weeks tomorrow and he is such a good baby literally never cries apart from when he’s having a bottle. He drinks every 3 hours but every time I take the bottle out of his mouth he absolutely screams, like a really horrible cry. He drinks too fast although…
Found out Friday that my 2 week old has suspected tongue tie. Put in for a referral but could be 8-10 weeks before it gets resolved! Just wondering if anyone has any tips for breast feeding with a suspected tongue tie? Sometimes we latch great and other times it takes ages and baby gets really upset and frustrated...
My 4 month old (19 weeks) used to enjoy baths but the last couple weeks he hates it and screams whenever we give him a bath. Is this normal? What can I do to help him enjoy it again 😢
How common are lip and tongue tie? Did your baby had it? Is it necessary to have it cut? Someone told me that my son has a tongue tie, and he should’ve get it cut. but he doesn’t have any trouble latching, he is 6 months now and gaining weight and the doctor never mentioned anything about it. (Video in comments). I ...
It’s my first baby and I been asked if i was RSV injection I know it quite new But what people views on it??
My 9 month old has eczema Dr said could be cmpa After discussing with a friend, my baby also has little green dots in her poop Is this an indicator ?
My baby will be 3 months old tomorrow and she has been pooping like this for 4 days (1 or 2 a day). Is it diarrhea?Should I been concerned?
Hi everyone I’ve got my little boys jabs tomorrow and I was just wondering everyone’s experiences and if there was anything that made the whole process smoother? Thank you! X
Regardless of how ridiculous it sounds they will repeat any BS excuse he says
Hi, just wondering if anyone knows the answer to my chickenpox question (can’t find the answer on google!) My children currently have chickenpox. My mum has kindly offered to watch the children so I can go to work tomorrow. Both me and my mum have had chickenpox before. However, can we still pass it onto other peopl...