Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby Care

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Poo changes after introducing solids to EBF baby

We just started slowly weaning our EBF baba with veg purées and poo changed to slimy texture. Also he seems to push harder and have slight discomfort. How’s your babies after start of weaning ?


Play centre/soft play

What age was everybody letting their kids play in a soft play by themselves? I have a 2 year old LB and we’re going to the soft play today and i get worried he’s gonna wander off even though we’re in a enclosed space😂 my back can’t take playing with him anymore



Do you find probiotics have helped you with your baby’s tummy and gas issues? And how do you pair it with colief? My LO is 7 weeks old and constantly struggling with gas and not being able to poo.


Playmat gym recommendations!

Hi, My baby is now 2 weeks old and i want to buy a playmat for her. Which one is the best to buy? Mamas and papas one is too expensive.


Baby pooing a lot more than usual.

Hey lovelies. Sorry for the long post! Just wondering if anyone else’s little ones have had this. For background, my daughter is just over 6 months, EBF and it is usual for her to poo once per day, sometimes once every 2 days. We haven’t started her on solids yet, because we wanted to wait for the below to pass. ...


Diastasis Recti

I’m not sure if I have the above or not but I’m losing weight and my stomach just always looks so bloated and has no strength, I have had two children and two c sections. Has anyone else got this or had this looked into? Thanks


pooing more often

for the past few days my 5 month old has been pooing way more often. he usually goes once or twice a day but at the moment is close to 10. they’re not massive, sometimes only a bit but it’s so unlike him and they’re not runny. he’s still himself but should i be concerned? it’s not even 9am and he’s been 4 times.



Hello moms! I’m struggling with my little baby having silent reflux. They prescribed Gaviscon and she’s now having it 5 times a day right after feeding (she’s breastfed). I saw some improvement but I can see she’s still in pain.. Question for you - do you give Gaviscon before or after the feedings? I’m wondering if...


5 week old turned into a screamer!

My gorgeously content baby has turned into a right screamer all of a sudden. He’s crying after every feed (BF) and is really hard to settle My health anxiety brain goes straight to allergy or reflux but has anyone else gone through similar and got their content baby back? 😭


Pooping early morning or night time

Has anyone else's 14 month old started pooping around 5am? Any ideas why? Or how to stop it? 🙈



How long does everyone burp their baby for? I give mine infacol as he is gassy and a little colicky and I feel it makes somewhat of a difference. I try and burp him frequently through out feeding and try and get one good burp out of him every time and I also watch out for any farts. And then once he’s done, even tho...



Hi moms my baby is just two months and I have appointment for first vaccination unfortunately I don’t feel to start the vaccination. Is that much important to have the vaccination for the baby ?


Magnetic tiles

If I’m ordering magnetic tiles for my 2 year old… how many actual tiles should I be getting so that they will actually be able to play with them. The ones I’m looking at come in boxes of 26 tiles.



Can anyone please tell me if my baby’s cord looks ok or not. I’m freaking out as it’s s started bleeding a tiny bit but I’m unsure I’d yes from it rubbing on his vest. For reference my baby is 8 days old xxx


Washing baby’s hair/ head

Does your baby like their hair washed more specially the rinsing of it? Mine hates when water gets on her face. We have taken her swimming and in the shower before. Both totally fine. But maybe because it’s getting towards bedtime and her bandwidth is done. Any suggestions to have less meltdowns with washing their...


6 m/o constipated for nearly 2 weeks.

Hey mums, My little girl has had really hard, pebble like poos for nearly 2 weeks. She is nearly 7 months old and we started solids at 6 months, and it was fine at first but now she hasn't had a proper bowel movement for ages. For the past week, the only solids I've given her are prunes, pear, banana and avocado. ...



Disclaimer: This is NOT a political post or advice against vaccines. For those that vaccinate and have a LO under 6 months, what are you doing/thinking about the Measles outbreak? My pediatrician didn’t seem too concerned and said to just be careful and wash our hands in crowded places. He didn’t even seem eager t...


Lead test

My baby had her blood tested for lead at the pediatrician office. The result was 3.4 and doctor suggested we recheck her blood levels again. Should I be worried?


Green poo 💩?

So for the past few days i noticed that my baby poo Is going a green colour she’s 11 weeks old and formula fed just want to know if it’s normal or should I go get it checked out ???


8 week immunisations

My little boy has his 8 week immunisations tomorrow, should i be giving him a dose of calpol before them?


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