Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Anyone else’s 10-month old gagging themselves to the point they throw up?? Our daughter does it daily and we tell her no or grab her hands to try and stop her and she thinks it is the funniest thing and continues to do it; even if we ignore her she does it. How do I make it stop!!! Sincerely, a mom who is tired of...
Hi everyone ! My baby is currently 13 months old. Curious to see when your little one started saying more words? Right now all he says is “papa” all day long and occasionally a “mama.” He babbles plenty during the day, but no actual words. Should I be worried ?
Anyone’s LO still in their crib? We had a toddler bed but she kept climbing in and out of it and I faced it toward the wall but it became a hazard because she kept climbing on it trying to get out. So we have her on the lowest crib setting. Anyone else?
- still not speaking in full sentences and babbles a lot though says phrases like “what’s that” and counting 1-10 (not fully clear but he has the sequence and tries to sound it out) - still in nappies and not showing readiness to be potty trained but doesn’t fight to come off it either - doesn’t always mimic me or ...
Would anyone think less of me if I gave up breastfeeding at 9 months? I want to do it as long as I possibly can and was really aiming for the year mark. However my LG got her bottom 2 teeth at 4 months and over the past month now has her top 2 fully out at 8 months. It's getting incredibly painful and she bites down...
I am 17 weeks pp and haven’t noticed any out of the norm hair loss. I’ve heard it gets bad after 3 months pp. Does it happen to everyone?
Hi, I am EBF and my baby clocks in about 9-11 feeds in a day. So during the day nothing past 3 hour mark and night seems to be 4-6 hour mark. Anyone else the same?
My 2 year and 7 month old baby is still not sleeping through the night. She has always been a bad sleeper and has slept through only a few times since she’s been born. Whether she’s in her own bed or my bed, she still wakes up numerous times in the night. Is anyone else going through the same? Is there anything I ca...
Hello moms, How many oz your baby is getting daily? My girl is 10 months already, but she takes between 20-24oz of milk( breast milk and formula). She is eating a lot of solids, 3 meals.
I get so frustrated putting my 19 week old baby down to sleep, especially at night. He nurses, falls asleep, and just as I go to put him down, he wakes up again. Then it takes another 30 minutes at least for him to actually go to bed. I felt guilty tonight when I thought to myself, “I can’t do this every night. I do...
Nipples hurting and burning like it’s on fire😭 38 weeks and 7 days and I can’t take it anymore! I’ve tried nipple cream but nothing! My nipple is peeling off, the tip hurts so badly and I don’t know what to do anymore. HELPPP😭😭😭
Please send help!!! My boy is 5 months today. He has always been great and soothing himself, putting himself to sleep, would happily sleep in any cot or crib, the past couple of days he literally has to be attached to me and the second I transfer him he immediately wakes up within a couple of minutes. I dunno wtf is...
Hi, I am feeling little weak and tired. Does anyone take electrolytes? If so, can you suggest good brands? Over the counter or Amazon delivery.
Is anyone else’s toddler (girl)- for lack of better words- humping/thrusting things? Mostly at night, she will thrust and grunt her stuffies for 5-10 minutes before falling asleep. I know it’s normal for kids to do that as self soothing. Just want to see if anyone else is experiencing this?
My 1 month old baby has been having his feeds but the last oz n half he will drink and then stop and cry. We make sure to burp him throughout the feed just wondering if anyone else is experiencing this or might know why he is doing it and how to help?
Hey everyone, I’ll be 32 weeks tomorrow and I’m really beginning to struggle at night with heartburn/ nausea/ needing a wee and just general insomnia and therefore struggling to get up early for work 😭 I’ve had the last 2 days off but I’ve felt so guilty by the afternoon as I feel generally okay after I’ve had a…
Welp- I broke my ankle at 36 weeks with an induction planned for 37 weeks. Baby girl is doing great/no impact from the accident, but has anyone else dealt with labor and delivery with an injury? My OB team feels confident going forward with delivery. was already geared up for/worried about postpartum recovery, and t...
I'm having baby fever sooo bad even worse, since we have been talking about trying again. We are trying to settle in our new house first but I want another baby now! I see all these babies and making it so much worst. I'm lucky I my daughter she makes it better but I want to bring a sibling for her to play with. I k...
Just had a daughter 3 weeks ago; -Around 18 weeks prego was the last time I talk to my boyfriends mom she hung up on me and lied to my boyfriend about the context of our conversation then blocked me on social media as well as blocking my mom for no reason !! - she also didn’t want to know our babies name since she...
I’m 9 months postpartum and exclusively breastfeeding and my period hasn’t come back yet? Is this normal?