Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
She started her prescribed formula Wednesday and her poo is really smelly and dark green, is this normal?
She’s 4 months old and for the past few weeks will only sleep on me she goes down for 2-5 hours a night with multiple wake ups and it takes me forever to get her back down as soon as I put her down she wakes up stretch’s and cry’s but is straight back to sleep when her head hits my chest 😭
Hi all, I track my baby's feeds via the Huckleberry app. When I make up 120ml of water with 4 scoops of formula, it ends up being 130ml worth in the bottle. If my baby drinks all of this, would you track it as 130ml as opposed to 120ml?
So my 5 month old falls asleep between 11-1 and wakes up between 8-10 am. And he naps a total of 3 hours give it take throughout the day. So that's 12/12 . So he eats still at 5 months every 2/3 hours. He eats 7 ozs. And at night he may eat a lil more. My family keeps saying he eats to much. Or I'm babying him o...
What is the best baby swing/rocker? I keep hearing to get like an old style graco swing because babies like it better, but then I see the fancier ones and wonder if that’s better?
Hi all,I am an exclusively pumping mom of a 3-month-old, using a hospital-grade pump and pumping 6 to 7 times a day. Washing the pump parts after every use has become challenging while taking care of my baby. Is it okay to store the pump parts in the fridge after one use and wash them after the second use? This woul...
anyone else's 7 month old gone from sleeping for like 11h at night straight through to waking up happy at 3.30am?? she usually goes to bed at 6.45ish and sleeps til like 6am with no feeds. has been able to self-settle. has had usual amount of formula in the day. she's had a cold recently but is much better now. napp...
How was you kiddo (6-12 months old) with strangers/new people
So the pain started today and I used warm gel on my affected breast and did the soaking in epsom salt. Not helping. I saw online that cold is better and nurse less? It hurts and I am already fighting an infection so I can’t get another one right now 😭
my 7 month old has been sleeping through the night pretty much daily since he was 2 months old. i have been tracking his sleep intake & not letting him take as long naps, ( he was taking between 30 mins - 2 hrs) but the 2 hrs are rare. but he will fight w us abt going to sleep when i originally want him to, which is...
Has anyone had this while breastfeeding if so what were your symptoms and have did you treat it
My newborn will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. I’m FTM and saw a pediatrician video the other day that said newborns usually poop a lot until about week 6, then it drastically drops. My little one is formula and breastfed, about 50/50. He was pooping about 5-8 times a day, and the past 5 or so days he has only majorly poo...
When do we do this? Is it at a certain age or certain developmental milestones? I know my daughter isn't ready yet, but I'm trying to get ahead of this so I know when/what to look out for.
My baby just turned 1 but has refused the bottle since 5months old so we have been ebf. She will drink water through a straw cup but only water(a few sips) how do I help her transition to cows milk? I plan on bf her til she weans herself or til 2 but she’s a snacker. Can she just stick to water and bm from the tap.
So my 2023 baby is 2 soon 😟 and we’ve been trying for a few months now for no.2 and we’ve been struggling I have no idea why I dunno if it’s because I bf my baby and my hormones are imbalanced because I squeezed my breast today and I had a bit of milk come out but I’ve stopped bf for a few months. Has anyone else…
Hi ladies. Recently, there was a disaster at a retirement home here in Colorado. My husband's men's group is asking for donations of lots of toiletries, including adult diapers. I thought I'd ask here if any of you ladies still have adult diapers that you don't need now, to donate. Please let me know. I'll be happy ...
It’s 2am and I’ve been up 5 times. She’s currently asleep on my chest and I’m dreading putting her down and going back to sleep because I know I’m going to be up again any minute and multiple times before morning. She wakes 7-10 times a night and will not be resettled in the crib. She self settles to sleep for bed...
My baby started only falling asleep when being held or in the carrier I’m worried he’s getting use to it and won’t sleep independently himself. Any advice?
My 5 month old just started grabbing my boob while breastfeeding and squeezing the sh*t out of me and leaving bruises. I don't know how he gets his tiny hands around my skin like that 🥲
People tell me I’m a bad mom because since my child was 4 months old he’s always slept with a blanket over his belly and under his armpits. He also since he got home after a month in a nicu has slept next to me in my bed or bassinet.