Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Has anyone used a breast pump whilst still being pregnant? I know babies will come when they’re ready etc etc. and pumping may induce labour. Just looking for advice 😊
I’m packing a couple of bottles and dummies in my hospital bag. I was going to sterilise them but im wondering if I’ll be able to sterilise them at the hospital?
Has anyone else experienced their little one have constipation? It has been 3 days now since he last had movement which was greeny diarrhea - He is grunting and straining trying to go but nothing. Formula fed on kendamill & given gripe water for suspected colic. Any tips/advice welcome 🙏🏼
I see a lot of people having reading as a bedtime routine. I know the benefits for reading with children from an early age but I just struggle to understand how you guys are doing it. My baby doesn't listen, he just wants to get the book and chew on it?
Manger was told when I pump and yet doesn't want me to do it at the times I need to I pump at 1230 ish , 3-330 ish , 5 ish then last pump before I go home at 730 ish ...... I come in an hour later then everyone but yet expected to go to lunch with everyone tonight ...... when I use 30 mins to pump on my lunch .......
My little one is 17 months and not walking. He can pull himself up well, sofa surf and climb but has very little interest in standing(balancing independently or walking. If we encourage it he sits down and gets upset. He can walk when we hold his hands but has to be in the mood. Should we be worried his not walking ...
Doc app on Monday anyway so will mention then. Anyone else had this with their bub? He’s 6 months old and is fussy and extremely gassy, poos like this every 2 hours. Not had this with my 3 older kids. Have order lactose intolerance aptamil gold to arrive tomorrow to do for 2 days before seeing doc 🙏🏼
I live with my husband, my mother in law and step father in law… Currently 33 weeks pregnant and the hormones are strong. Please can some advise how you deal with MIL rubbing/touching bump all the time and just questioning how you are every 20 minutes. I understand she’s excited as her first grandchild but I actua...
Is anyone else's wee ones waking UK through the night again? My little boy has been up from half 12 til 3 the last few nights. I feel like I'm back to the newborn stage after him having such a good routine 😭 his twin has been sleeping through so it's not their day time nap etc. I'm exhausted 😴
Hi guys!! My little girl is 9 months and I've gone back to work, we are struggling to fit bath time into the evenings and wondered how many times a week you're all giving little ones a bath!? Any tips on how to fit everything in would be helpful xx
Does anyone else’s little one just scream for no reason and I mean the high pitched headache giving type of scream😬 My little girl is 6 months old and has random bursts of screaming just for the fun of it and it’s driving me insane😭
My 1 week old only feeds for 10-20 minutes (5-10 mins each boob). My first child used to feed for 45 minutes sometimes more! So I'm concerned that this baby isn't getting enough milk Or is this normal? She's latched every 60 mins in the day and at night I have to wake her up every 3 hours to feed (she's still n...
How has everyone done it recently? Our LO normally only has it at sleep time but recently with illness and teething we have let him have it in the day. I’m noticing how much he wants it now so I’m thinking it’s just time to get rid all together as he occasionally wakes in the night if he loses it also. Planning on g...
Little one is six months on Monday so thinking we will move him into his own room tonight or over the weekend. Anyone got any tips? I can’t remember much from my daughter but I remember we had to let her cry it out to get her to sleep better. Anyone else do this or will do this?
Is it possible for a sleep regression to only last a couple of days? My first baby went into the 4 month sleep regression when he was 11 weeks and his sleep didn’t improve until he was 8 months😵💫 My wee girl is 4 months as of next week has always been a great sleeper, this week has been a lot more wakeful during…
My daughter’s had a milk allergy but now grown out of it as we’ve reached the end of the milk ladder👏🏻 i’ve been buying blue milk especially for her? But someone has said they can now have green. What’s everyone else buying in 😃 thanks!!
I’m tired and I’m so tired idec about sleeping anymore. I am not gonna get the 14 hour stretch or 12 or 8 . Not yet. I’m sleep training and just restless and I am still unpacking from my move and have no energy but it’s so hard to lay down and “sleep” ….especially if there is a possibility I will almost fall asleep ...
My little one is just shy of being 1 and all of a sudden has decided she no longer wants to be put in the cot and literally gets hysterical the minute you start lowering her in. We don’t get it . She’s been absolutely fine sleep wise for the past year and we’ve been lucky but all of a sudden it’s like she thinks we ...
Please help 😭 My baby is 8 months old, exclusively breastfed and has never had a bottle. Yesterday she bit my nipple which made me jump and since then she is refusing to nurse and every time I try to she screams She has been up every hour throughout the night but still won’t nurse My boobs are sooo full and…
Ok girlies. I am pretty much exclusively breastfeeding but somehow I’ve put ON weight 😣. Those who are breastfeeding, how did you lose weight, without it affecting your milk supply? Thank you in advance 😘😘