Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My little one is 12 weeks old. She has recently stopped using shields to feed but she’s gone from feeding 25 minutes on one breast to between 5-10 minutes on one breast. Will she still be getting the same amount of milk? I’m worried she’s not getting enough. She’s still having plenty of wet and soiled nappies x
How is everyone else’s LO doing?
Anyone else super constipated no matter what you do or eat? The pains of trying to go literally feel like contractions!
Has anyone had any issues with their mam bottles leaking? It just pours out the top of 3 of our bottles to the point they’re now unusable and I’ve got no idea why. They’ve not always done it and we’ve also not done anything to damage them. It never happened with the ones we had for my daughter so I’m baffled and not...
My LB does pretty much all naps in his cot and bedtime fine.. come 11-12pm he just will not resettle back into his cot.. even if I do manage it he seems to wake 15mins - hour later and after a few failed attempts I have to have him in with me.. anyone have any tips or suggestions on how to get him to stay in cot.. t...
Can anyone recommend any nursing sports bras?
My 3 month old all week has been on and off he’s normally so happy but this week he’s happy then next minute screaming crying Iv been doctor 3 times they say he’s fine is it normal for them to be like this ?
My baby hits his head when he’s frustrated, angry, or doesn’t get what he wants. I thought it was just a phase, but it’s been over three months, and I’m starting to worry if it could cause any harm. Also, when he rocks himself to sleep in his crib or wakes up during the night, I hear him bumping his head against the...
Hey Mamas, anyone got any recommendations on what toys are good for an 8 month old? I feel like my lo has outgrown the toys she has and needs some new ones but I’m not sure what to get, thanks!
Does anyone else’s baby cry when they wake from their nap? Baby only napping around 45 mins at a time at the moment but when he wakes he’s so upset with himself & takes a good 10-15 mins to stop been grumpy.
Has anyone had any luck hiring a sleep consultant for a two month old? Who does not sleep in his bassinet and is co sleeping through day and night.
My 14 year old is so rude to my husband. They used to be so close. As she gets older she is getting worse. I keep praying it’s a phase and it’s not getting better. She’s spending more time with her dad and I’m sure that’s a huge part of it. He is so toxic and she’s doing a lot of things he’s doing. My husband used t...
That's how my day is going with a threenager. Woke her from her nap for her to cry and scream for her dad (who had gone to the shop) for 10 minutes straight. She didn't take a breath, didn't want comforting, kept shouting I wasn't her best friend, I was stupid and to go away and when I tried to comfort her she bit...
Don’t know if i’m expecting too much but what is normal wake window wise for a 17 day old? I imagined there would be some time whilst he’s awake when we’d do tummy time, some sensory activities (like showing him the black/white cards etc), nothing major just a few mins. But all he seems to do is wake up, cry, i ch...
My 2 year old little girl absolutely hates the dark now, she use to be good sleeping in her cot with a little light in the room but now absolutely hates it and wakes up because it’s not light enough for her, any suggestions on what a good night light that will help with this issue x
Do you eat the white stringy stuff on oranges? I don’t but my husband does and think it’s a waste of time to take them off but they’re gross to me
My baby is EBF and refuses a bottle, but she drinks water through a straw cup. I’m worried about when I go back to work in May, how my mother in law can get any milk into her during the day. If she will take a tum tum can she have milk in that? As I’ve read on the leaflet it comes with not to give any warm drinks
-baby bouncer -bassinet -baby boy clothes 3-6 mo and some 6 months -enfamil gentle formula -2 spectra breast pumps (some parts missing) and 1 of the ones you get from Wic -cheaper (but works) Amazon portable breast pump -Nemo tummy time mat -1 opened package of size 2 Costco diapers -evenflo baby carseat if anyone...
Hey ladies, I’m currently going through the painful engorgement stage and my boobs are constantly leaking and so painful! I’m currently pumping about every 3 hours for about 20 minutes as my baby is struggling to latch and has a tongue tie, is this too much? Midwife didn’t really give me much advice and recommended ...
These both have great reviews but I can’t choose! Baby is 4mo. I love the recline feature but I need to use the seat to mainly do feeds. Pic in comment!!