Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Don’t know if i’m expecting too much but what is normal wake window wise for a 17 day old? I imagined there would be some time whilst he’s awake when we’d do tummy time, some sensory activities (like showing him the black/white cards etc), nothing major just a few mins. But all he seems to do is wake up, cry, i ch...
My 2 year old little girl absolutely hates the dark now, she use to be good sleeping in her cot with a little light in the room but now absolutely hates it and wakes up because it’s not light enough for her, any suggestions on what a good night light that will help with this issue x
Do you eat the white stringy stuff on oranges? I don’t but my husband does and think it’s a waste of time to take them off but they’re gross to me
My baby is EBF and refuses a bottle, but she drinks water through a straw cup. I’m worried about when I go back to work in May, how my mother in law can get any milk into her during the day. If she will take a tum tum can she have milk in that? As I’ve read on the leaflet it comes with not to give any warm drinks
-baby bouncer -bassinet -baby boy clothes 3-6 mo and some 6 months -enfamil gentle formula -2 spectra breast pumps (some parts missing) and 1 of the ones you get from Wic -cheaper (but works) Amazon portable breast pump -Nemo tummy time mat -1 opened package of size 2 Costco diapers -evenflo baby carseat if anyone...
Hey ladies, I’m currently going through the painful engorgement stage and my boobs are constantly leaking and so painful! I’m currently pumping about every 3 hours for about 20 minutes as my baby is struggling to latch and has a tongue tie, is this too much? Midwife didn’t really give me much advice and recommended ...
These both have great reviews but I can’t choose! Baby is 4mo. I love the recline feature but I need to use the seat to mainly do feeds. Pic in comment!!
Wondering if this is normal. My baby is almost 11 months and has always cried upon waking up from a nap or overnight sleep. Even if the nap is 2 hours or overnight is 10-11 straight. I see a lot of videos of babies waking up smiling and quiet. So just curious.
Has anyone got any recommendations as we are wanting to switch to a floor bed (fear of baby falling from our bed where they currently sleep, if we have to leave the room) I am unsure whether to spend 100s of pounds on a ready made one or just buy a low bed frame and mattress. Any advice or suggestions at all great...
I’ve been doing BFing and pumping exclusively , then in the last 2 weeks or so have introduced formula so he has about 50/50 now. My supply has obviously dropped as a result But now i need to stop BFing and pumping due to pain etc , so a few days ago i started to just pump / feed about once or twice a day just quic...
Does anyone else’s 2022 baby throw crazy tantrums? My daughter screams and cries all the time and some times she is inconsolable. You can’t tell her no in any way or form. Don’t take anything from her either because she’ll definitely break down. I really don’t know how to handle these. 😫
So we have our August 3 year old, and another baby on the way, I'm 30 weeks soon, so my 3yo is moving into the larger double bedroom of our house, where so far she has been in the smaller box room/nursery before this new baby comes. Her big girl bedroom will be finished this weekend and she is very excited, she's be...
Has anyone moved upto size 2? Not sure if it's too early. He's 6 weeks old. My boy takes like 30/35 minutes just to drink 4oz?
When should I be concerned about baby not having soiled nappies? - Baby is 3 weeks tomorrow. My baby girl lost a lot of weight after birth and continued to lose. She was seen by a few different teams and the GP and was put on a few different feeding plans (which unfortunately had to include bottles and formula), ...
I feel like time is flying and baby is 4 months next week. Have people given thought as to when to stop breastfeeding and how you will do it? I initially thought 6 months but I am not sure now. I cant say I enjoy it but it is fine for the most part. However it would be nice to get my body back and have more freedom.
My daughter will randomly shake like this and was curious if it’s normal.
Anyone else going through this? Our 16 month old is refusing her naps and waking in the night for hours chatting and wanting to play. She only started sleeping for most of the night last month, feels like we will never get decent sleep! So fed up
So my little one has suddenly started napping 30 mins not 1 hr.... just 1 nap a day and isn't getting more night time sleep than normal. It's happened really suddenly Anyone else in the same boat?? X
Has anyone had any experience with this carrier? I recently bought it and it seems OK but not sure if it's hip healthy for baby and if these hard seat things are recommended or not? Comparing it to a Beco Gemini that I recently tried at a sling library. Any thoughts welcome please! ❤️
My son is turning 2 this month and won't stay in his bed at night 😩 every morning, around 6:30am, he gets out of his bed and tries to wake up his brother by getting into his bed (they share a room). He kind of tosses and turns a lot at night too but only tries to escape once it's morning for some reason. We have to…