Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
I thought this was really cool to share! By the way, Theses 4ft Amazon playpens with a nice mat are very helpful for his development way better than the bassinet playpen! He is 6months and 3 days, can roll over on both sides, sitting up independently, and now scooting! Came a long way from hating tummy time like a m...
I have a history of anxiety and depression so I’m more than aware of what to look out for but PP depression feels different to how I’ve felt with my regular depression. Not sure whether to wait it out or go to the doctors.. I have medication at the ready if I feel I need to go back to anti depressants but I would re...
I am looking for bluetooth headphones that have the volume control that would fit a 2 year old head. Nothing expensive please because I want to see how my children do with them. TIA
Any recommendations please? The more affordable the better! My 6 month old flicks them off in seconds 😩
Hello! My little one is 5 1/2 months and I have been exclusively breastfeeding. I am wanting to introduce a bottle so I can give him to my partner or mum for a few hours here and there. I was hoping to pump as I did this with my eldest however this time with two small children pumping just isn't working for me. ...
I don’t know why, he’s been very well socialised from birth, he was great at going to people and smiley but from about 1 he just screams if people say hello, or try and talk to or engage him. It breaks my heart because some people just don’t bother now. He goes to nursery and his confidence has grown but he still ...
My 15 month old usually has a nap from 12/1 to 3ish but wakes up super grumpy, scream crying and just in an overall rubbish mood. Could this be linked to the length of his nap?? It's driving me crazy
Can anyone recommend a car seat for 9+ months? My little girl is quite a chunk but she’s also very tall! We’ve got the cybex cloud T but she doesn’t seem very comfortable in it anymore and is quite close to out growing it! Does anyone have any recommendations for the next car seat?
My little one is a great sleeper/napper and has been this way for months now. She has 2 naps a day and always sleeps for 1/1.5 hours each time. This afternoon however, that did not happen😫 She slept for about 20/25 mins and woke up so upset. She screamed for a further 40 mins despite me trying to calm her. I even…
Can anyone with a 7-8am morning wake up share their nap/feed routine please? Feel like we’re all over the place currently with the regression my little one is refusing to nap and feed!
When I go to poop it feels like I'm giving birth or passing a watermelon or bowling ball! Honestly this morning I thought I was going to have to stop and keep it in there forever 💩 it's soo painful
Ughh I feel horrible , my baby now 14 months old keeps falling off couch and now tonight she fell of bed while we were sleeping . 😭🤬 I feel like the worst mother ever . How do I know she’s ok ?
Hi, i’m new to vinted and having a good clear out! I’ve sold a pair of infant shoes but have no small cardboard box to put it in. What are the rules? Can i put it in a bag like shops do?
At what stage in pregnancy did you start producing breast milk, if you did? I'm in week 33 and yet to see any signs. Boobs are getting bigger and my veins are showing but no leaking just yet
Going on 6months of breastfeeding and the main thing keeping me going is my laziness for not wanting to buy or wash botty😅🤭
Do the same rules as pregnancy apply when breastfeeding when it comes to cold medicine? I would love to be able to breathe and not have a sore throat right now 😭
He laughs and loves it but I don’t as it can be dangerous in a small space. Anyone else experienced
If you’re giving a bottle of expressed milk to your breastfed baby at night before bed, how much ml do you give?
I’m a bleach and chemicals all the way type so a bit lost here.
I’m trying to make a crib and it’s arrived with only 1 barrel nut I need 8 But my issue is idk what size barrel nuts I need The instructions just says X8 barrel nuts not the measurements