Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Anyone else’s baby waving their arms wildly?? My 8 week old is waving, punching, jerking them around, putting in his mouth etc. He keeps hitting himself in the face too!
Hi me and my husband are so lost. (First time parents) and can’t decide which car seat will be appropriate for our 1 yr old daughter and also which she can be comfortable.
My 14 month is literally being brought up on ms rachel. I feel so guilty but I have no other ways to entertain him. I have 2 under 2. Anyone else?
My baby is about to turn 1 and I have baby fever so bad I want another baby already but my husband thinks we should wait another year, I get where he is coming from. But I’ve been seeing so many things on 2 under 2 and it just makes me want another one so bad. And my husband doesn’t help the situation especially whe...
My 18 week old little girl spends most of the day fighting naps, absolutely screaming her head off. When she does sleep, she’s only sleeping for like 20 mins at a time and then we’re back to square 1 of crying and screaming because she’s still tired. She’s also getting really awkward with having her bottles too and ...
Why is my little girl screaming crying when we put her down in her crib? It's been like this for 4 nights now and me and my partner are running on barely no sleep.
Please no judgement comments etc, I’ve gone through our GP, health visitor and my last resort will be 111 / hospital. My baby is completely well in himself from what I can tell and GP exams, but he is completely off his feeds. I am struggling to achieve 24-32 ounces, we’re lucky to hit 21. The only advice I get i...
I’ve just transferred from breast to bottle, I have no idea what I’m doing how many hours to wait in between feeds, no idea when to offer food no idea about wake windows? Feel like I’m drowning a bit and feeling very overwhelmed. Any sample routines or usual day for your 6 month old?
Does anyone elses' LO hate being in a stroller/car seat to the point where you have to either go home or carry them? Everything is go out my daughter screams and crys till I just give up and go home she is 7 months and has been like this since she was a newborn.... I feel trapped in my house. I have loosened straps,...
Anyone else still cuddle their 20 month old to sleep? We tried for about 5 weeks settling her in her cot but she didn’t like it and it was taking over an hour to get her to sleep and the last couple of nights she started to get upset at bedtime and so did I so I have gone back to cuddling her to sleep should I of pe...
Not sure how to word it…but this is a thing and it’s really bothering me right now in my marriage and I don’t think it’s unique to my husband! Have had a partner who you’ve grown very comfortable with, been together for years, been through all the life things and they get to a point sometimes where the typical soc...
Just turned 10 months old on the 8th March, last night we had his first steps, and today I caught him doing some more 🥹
Baby boy only poos once or twice a week usually however we are now on day 6 no poo … I wouldn’t say he’s really uncomfortable but he does sometimes make a noise when he’s pumping. He has been passing wind, just no poo and I’ve tried bicycle movements with his legs and tummy strokes … what do I do?
Could anyone recommend a good supportive bra for working out? I’m 23 weeks pregnant now and my normal bras are small and annoying because the band under digs into baby belly
My son has never been a good sleeper, up crying for comfort anywhere from once per night to hourly 😭 he doesn’t like co-sleeping, he doesn’t want milk only comfort. How the heck can I get him to sleep better? What’s everyone’s opinions on white noise machines? Can I leave it on all night for him? I’m soooo tired…
How long are your toddlers now awake for after their nap before their bed time?
not a concern or anything but has anyone else’s baby started farting a lot 😂😂 my baby’s 7 weeks old only just started farting a lot recently it’s quite funny
So I hired a night nurse to help me run through this regression and to sleep training my almost 5 month old baby. She was waking up every one to two hours expecting food before hiring this lady. She’s completely changed all day and night expectations for my child. My babies only used to drinking 4 ounces of formula ...
Acne started about 5 days ago and seems to only be getting worse. Looks very inflamed I’m not sure if I should make an appt for her. Any tips and suggestions about baby acne?
Just out of curiosity is it bad to start pumping before 36/37 weeks (I’m currently 33 weeks)? Someone told me it’s dangerous and wouldn’t advise it and I also searched it which it said it could lead to preterm labour. I was using a pump to help with the pressure and soreness of my boobs/nipples which helped howeve...