Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Anyone else little one going through the same thing. My little girl is almost three and is hating having her hair washed in the bath or shower and has been going on for a couple of weeks. She has gone from loving it to hating it but will happily get in the bath and play just not have her hair washed. Is this a phase?
I’ve noticed the past few nights that baby’s longest wake window is around 3 hours and then he has a short nap around 8pm and then bed at around 10pm……does this mean I should move bedtime to 8pm rather than 10pm? Although I don’t want him waking two hours earlier in the morning?!
She only does it sometimes and I know it's developmentally normal at this age but just wanted some feedback from this group. She mainly does it with vehicles in an attempt to drive them all at the same time.
I honestly feel like I’m dealing with postpartum depression. My son is a month old and last night he was screaming crying and nothing would help. My bf tried to call his mom so I blacked out, grabbed my baby and the next thing I know I’m in the room sobbing with him screaming in my arms. Today my bf decided to have ...
Baby will be 11 months when we fly in a few weeks, she’s not walking yet. She’s 9.86kg at the minute, would you use a carrier when travelling abroad at this age/ weight? We have a mamas and papas carrier and a sling wrap type carrier which I find comfier but haven’t used them for a long time
Anyone else a parent to a 2 year old & new born??? Does it feel like waking up to do a marathon every morning? lol recently feel that way & doing it with no sleep too 😂😂👌
It’s so difficult to know because it seems that a lot of the symptoms of SPD can also be normal for a toddler his age. These are the symptoms I have noticed: - Gets upset by some sudden loud noises (especially when tired, just woken up etc). But not all loud noises. - Got absolutely hysterical at his first prope...
Hi guys which pushchairs would you recommend for a 1 year old and a new born? Thank you all in advance
Has anyone else noticed a difference in their baby’s poo after the 2nd set of vaccinations? My little girl is now pooing a lot more frequently and today noticed one that was green. Not sure if it’s normal ?
So my baby is going to be 14months, he’s not walking yet but he crawls, like really really fast. We have LVT flooring in our house so it’s pretty hard and when he crawls across the floor he slams his hands and knees on the floor quite hard and now I can see that it’s bruising his knees. Anyone else have this issue? ...
My 10 month old baby absolutely hates getting changed out. She will cry and scream so bad I can’t even explain the cry. She never this upset for anything. We have been avoiding changing her out but feel like we need to start doing it more often as we will be going on a 17 hour long flight in July 😭😭😭😭
My little girl is 4 weeks old and has been really difficult to feed. Keeps latching on and off, crying during feeds, never seems really full or satisfied. Do you think my milk supply is low and I need to top up with formula? Or is she cluster feeding to try and up my supply?
How many naps does your 19/20m old have ? My son has dropped his naps all together and I cannot get him to go down. But will go to bed at 7 and wake up anytime between 5-7 🥲
How often do you give your baby a bath?
How are we baby proofing cupboards. There’s so many things I’m seeing on Amazon but what’s everyone using.
How long is your final wake window before bedtime and what does your night look like as a result? Just experimenting with mine as baby wakes up 40 mins after bedtime no matter what! She has another boob feed and goes back down but just wondering!
Hi there! So i just wanted a bit of advice. A couple weeks ago, my breasts began REALLY hurting a lot when i fed my son. So i half stopped. Been bottle feeding formula during the day and breastfeeding him through the pain at night (simply because its easier and i genuinely do like breastfeeding, it helps me feel c...
Hello! My baby has started her weaning journey but is otherwise exclusively breastfed, she is 7m. She has a poo roughly 3 times a week, my family said this isn’t normal, has anyone got any advice/ guidance?
My 2.5 yr old calls for his dad all the time. Why is that funny, oh because he doesn’t call him dad he calls him by his name. His name is Oscar. Which he can’t say so he calls for “Ossar” and he will do so at the top of his lungs and say, “Ossarrrrrrrrr where areeeee youuuuuu”. And I say daddy’s at work and continue...
My baby face been getting worse doctor only recommended to keep her face clean and Aquaphor But I need something to work better and sooner. Hate see her face like this