Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My 4 month old wakes every 1-2 hours at night. I know it’s supposed to be a sleep regression and their sleep changes around this age but she won’t go back to sleep unless I feed her and I’m feeling like I’m doing something wrong by feeding her every 2 hours. I breastfeed so this has led to co-sleeping (was not the p...
For those of you who let their baby sleep in the night until they wake you- out of curiosity, how old is your little one, how often do they feed in the day/ how many times across a whole day, and how many oz do they tend to take per feed? Thank you 😊
I really really don’t know what to do with my son’s sleep anymore. He doesn’t even sleep 1h straight at night. Keep waking up crying. He sleeps in his bed to start but ended up he comes to ours every night. So I know he is waiting for it but when we are exhausted, but keep waking up to go to his room to let him sle...
I'm so nervous about this. Not ready at all 😰
I’ve been dairy free for almost two months now. And have noticed a huge difference for my little boy. Anyhow for a split second today I forgot that I can’t be the human hoover that eats leftovers and has a bite of Greggs margarita pizza. I’m hoping it doesn’t flare my baby or irritate his stomach. He’s looking okay....
What prams have people tried and would recommend? Want something that folds up easily & has an extendable handle as both me and my partner are fairly tall. Also needs to have front and back facing bits for baby 🥰
So my baby never napped more than 30 mins and he cannot self settle at all , really struggles I’ve tried sticking to wake windows of 1 hour 45/2 hour max and also extebddd them to see if it improves but does not work. He does not show any sleepy cues either then suddenly becomes overtired. So is this wake windo...
My baby girl 10 mo has started sleeping on her tummy. Is this okay? I keep waking her up turning her back! She's able to turn back and forth/sit up from being face down. Just not sure whether to leave her or risk waking her up :(
My girl is 5 months, hasn’t rolled but does try and gets onto her side. I took her arms out 3 weeks ago, but she just will not sleep as she rubs her eyes non stop. I have had very little sleep these past 3 weeks as has she. Put her back in her swaddle tonight and she is sleeping like a dream.
Even the poopy ones! I’m hoping other mums of overactive toddlers can relate 🙈🐊
As above! And how old? And do you use soap? I keep seeing so much conflicting advice on this I’m intrigued. I’ll start, twice a week ish unless he’s had a big gross blow out😂 he’s 6 weeks. I’m just adding breast milk to the water atm then I massage coconut oil on after while he’s in his towel.
I have been using the tommee tippee steam steriliser for 3 weeks now and have been using as per instructions with 80ml of water but the heating pad seems to be faulty and leaving this burnt crust after use? Anyone else had this issue? I’m tempted to just buy the Milton cold water steriliser for ease instead of these...
Can I have some newborn baby carrier recommendations please
My little boy turned 2 in January and all of a sudden he’s refusing to sleep in his own bed. He’ll only go down in his bed if he’s fallen asleep on me and I place him there.. he’s started to wake in the night and then wants to sleep with me. Which he’s never done before. Is anyone in the same position? Or has been? ...
My baby sleeps at night swaddled but he's very close to rolling over so I've started putting him down in a sleeping bag with his arms in but loose and he just keeps waking himself up with his hands! Wtf are we supposed to do, he normally sleeps from 7.30pm - about 12.30am and this is fucking that up 😭
Has anyone put their little one in their own room yet?
I’m making a start on washing all of our baby clothes tomorrow and was just wondering if anyone brought a specific laundry detergent for this or did you just use the one you’d use normally when washing your own clothes?
He's only properly taken to solids in the last couple of weeks, and is now consistently eating three meals a day. We've also cut out 90% of day time breastfeeds (now nighttime only). Our new challenge is constipation! Tiny hard little pellets which seem to give him stomach ache and hurt to pass. Anyone else having...
How often are you breastfeeding now? For us it's usually around 6 times in 24 hours but not for long each time, I can't imagine she's getting much milk?! She eats a lot but I know milk is still important at the moment!
I’ve been breastfeeding for 3 weeks now, the pain is still there in my nipples, much better than at the start but they are so sensitive to touch and stinging sometimes. His latch is great, he’s been assessed by the feeding team, has no tongue toe, they are not cracked or bleeding and never have been, however they ju...