Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Hey gals so my little girl is 18months and I have the egg2 feather and although she’s still got plenty of room I’m wondering when is the time to switch to a buggy that’s more light weight? The weight of the egg doesn’t fuss me and it holds plenty in the basket but I am thinking ahead for the summer beach days etc wh...
I developed agoraphobia when I was pregnant unfortunately-my child will be 3 soon. I went from never leaving the apartment or even being able to look through windows for more than 5 seconds to now going out for anything really other than super crowded events but only if I’m accompanied by someone-typically my bf. I ...
Is this how the love to dream swaddles should fit? It feels tight for my nearly 8 week old but I have followed her weight and got a small. But it does feel like she might be restricted?
I’ve just had my second baby and my husband is such a horrible person. Whilst i was in hospital (was there for over a week) he was so loving and caring, saying he missed me and all that bs. Now that im home, in the space of 2 days he’s made me cry my eyes out, argued with me, and constant blaming me for everything e...
Is anyone still breastfeeding? My 13months old is still very attached to the breast for comfort and I still produce quite a bit of milk so she still wants to feed to sleep (if I’m around), have it for comfort and as a snack. I don’t know how long I should continue to do it? I heard/read that a lot of babies just slo...
How often is everyone replacing bottles? I have the anti colic ones and it says 4-6 months? Xx
I breastfed my daughter for 7 weeks exclusive and really had such a tough time (baby didn’t latch, used shields the entire time, clogged ducts and 2 bouts of mastitis, boobs were MASSIVE - I’m talking a 36H/I) and I switched to formula and I still hold so much guilt and heartbreak that I didn’t enjoy it. Really wish...
There's never a weekend where our 3 boys can't stay out of the ER 🤦🏻♀️ My 10 year old hurt his toe while playing outside and ripped the toe nail off. An hour later we can't get the bleeding to stop and he's afraid of us touching his toe to replace the bandages
Any recommendations for a farm with a soft play that has a baby area? Needs to be suitable for both a 3 year old and 9 month old. Not mead open farm. Thanks 🙂
I am considering making my own formula out of root vegetables and leafy greens, due to allergies and eczema. Has anyone done so and any advice?x
My partner is booked in for a vasectomy on Sunday, we only have the one child and the amount of grief we are getting from people is craaaazy, like 90% of people thinks it's a mistake. We're happy with one, financially and mentally. Has anyone else a vasectomy after one? How did people seem to react?
I had ivf for my son who’s 19 months old. I used a frozen embryo for my daughter. Who is now 4 months old. Very lucky to catch first time both times and end up with one of each. I formula fed my son so I had a period at 6 weeks and regularly after that. I’m combi feeding my daughter who 4 months. So 2 bottles a d...
I didn’t start breast feeding until my baby was 2 days old. As I was going to formula feed like I did with my son. But anyway I started breastfeeding. She has 2 formula feeds a day 1 at lunch time and 1 between 6-7. I EBF through the night. Formula fed my son who’s 19 months old. I had a period 6 weeks after hav...
I'm feeling like a bad mom...my son is 18 months and still babbles. I know that it takes some kids longer, but after leaving his 18-month appointment, his doctor said he's concerned he's a little behind. I play with him and try games that's supposed to help him mimic, but he refuses to mimic me. He will respond to...
My bb girl is 4 weeks. She won’t sleep anywhere but next to me even at night. Not in the crib not in the bassinet nowhere. But also she does sleep in the car seat. I don’t understand. Does the car seat make her feel secure? Anyone else ?
My almost 5 month old is not napping. He will literally fall asleep for 5-10 minutes and that’s it. Sleeps 10-11 hours at night. Idk if that normal?
My baby turns 5 months in 3 days. At our 3.5 mo app the dr said it should be 1.5 hours. I still follow this and it dawned on me that she’s almost 5 months.
Just a genuine question as i dont know how far she should be. Havent seen any health visitors in months and no friends with kids in a similar age. My daughter turned 16 months and she can say all these words and knows what they mean aswell. (The words with the stripe in front are from another language, i teach her ...
I currently have a 2 year old and trying to encourage her to walk more instead of being in her pram. She loves walking but doesn’t listen to you when you try and guide her in the right direction. She also doesn’t like holding your hand. I’ve thought about getting baby rains but I just have the mindset of it reminds ...
What is your routine? What time does your baby go to bed at night and their last bottle? Thank you ☺️