Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.


Does anyone else wake up in a blind panic that their baby is in their bed? We don’t co-sleep (baby always sleeps in either moses basket or snuzpod) but I find myself at least once every night waking up looking for my baby in the bed or I wake up and I’m patting the quilt thinking it’s my little one. Anyone else? O...


Who has the newest Samsung galaxy 25?

How do you like it? Is it worth the price, would you consider it a great and reliable phone?


Frustration when offering bottle

Hey guys, over the last couple days my 7 week old baby has started out of no where to try and refuse her bottle (every feed time she does this) she is formula fed and she kinda tries to push it out with her tongue and play with it in her mouth, she seems to be very lazy with it also. do we think she needs to go up t...


Formula storage question!

I've recently started supplementing to adding a powder formula as my supply has been dipping. It's a real pain at night if I run out of BM to make a bottle. It says "once feeding has begun" use within an hour. Does this mean I premake it before bed and keep it next to me until he's ready (even if it's a few hours be...


5am wakes

Anyone else’s baby decided 5am is the time to be WIDE awake 🫠 happened the last three nights in a row & she will not go back to sleep 🙃



I’m currently 21 + 4 and I’m VERY sore, Literally everywhere. I’m super uncomfortable and I get no sleep. 😩


After 4am feeding

Finding it very difficult to put baby back to sleep after 4am feeding (formula) bot sure ehy. Anyone else have the same?


“My baby”

Most women don’t like it when someone calls her baby “my baby” I just like a lot of other women really can’t stand that but recently I have come to really dislike when my boyfriends mom refers to my child as her sweet pea (as in I’ll post a picture or send her a picture and she says oh my sweet pea I love her so muc...


Baby doesn’t poo without laxatives

Baby boy is 15weeks (breastfed). For first 2-3 weeks bowels were fine he went every other day but then things changed (for no apparent reason). Since then he needs laxatives to go every time. Doctor said it’s fine for babies to go up to 10 times a day or every 10 days both are completely normal. (I’m not sure i agre...



So baby was in size1 nappies from birth and she started leaking and getting red marks round her legs and the nappy wasn’t coming up very far on her lower belly so I sized up to size 2, no more red marks but she’s now leaking in them too. Should I go back to size 1 ?



Helllpp. So it’s 4:40am and my 3 week and 3 day old daughter last fed at 1:10am. She is breastfed and bottle fed (my expressed milk) on a night time when my partner does the night shift. Here is a picture of when she has eaten tonight and what. I normally wake up at 4:00am to pump on one side and I typically breastf...



How do we get through the hump of starting to breastfeed or pump? My baby is 8 days old, I have a milk bleb already, I’ve been supplementing formula and I’m seriously just thinking of switching to formula only. I’m tired of being in pain and really don’t want to go to the doctors again.


11month old hitting and pinching

When my daughter wants something and I don’t let her she will hit and pinch my face ( not all the time) I’m worried she’s going to become spiteful? She also have temper tantrums? I also don’t know how to discipline a 11month how do you even do that?!! Also is this normal behaviour?


Sleep regression?

My partner and I combi feed our 12 week old son. He used to have 2/3 bottles of formula a day but since last Saturday he has 1 bottle around 9/10pm or sometimes none at all. I’ve noticed he’s been waking up almost every hour at night since the number of bottles have reduced. He used to have at least 1 4 hour stretch...


Supply issues?

Hello! Just wondering if anyone had a similar issue and any advice for me.? I have quite a fast let down and usually it’s only a few seconds after my LG (11.5 months) latches. The last few days this hasn’t been the case, she’s having to suck for a good thirty seconds or more before the let down and I feel like I re...


3 month old - sleep

LO’s sleep seems to be changing daily. It’s hard to keep up! Did you notice more of a pattern around this time?!


Car seat placement with 2?

So as I am close to getting ready to sort my car seat/ buy it. I was wondering where to place them. Some google suggest together (passenger and middle) but others say keep middle clear. My 15 month old is currently on the passenger side and she is front facing; the car seat says when to change it and she has really ...


Sleepy mama

Does anyone else get overwhelmingly tired while breastfeeding?


I do not understand my newborn

I am really struggling to work out my newborns needs. I can’t tell what’s a feeding cue or what’s just active sleep. He doesn’t really cry. I am formula feeding so aware how I could possibly overfeed. How long does it rake to understand them?! Feeling like a terrible mum.


Crib to toddler bed

When did you transitioned from crib to toddler bed ? Would you still rock them then put in the bed or did you do something else for bedtime in toddler bed ?


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