Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
Is anyone else struggling with their 19 month old at the minute? Everything I do she twists and that’s with all her needs met. She’s awful in her pram and I really struggle taking her anywhere.
So I went to the doctor 2 days ago…. They told me it’s a clogged milk duct (they think) . They just felt around on it and that’s what they came up with. NOTHING im doing is making it go away or even get smaller. What should I do ? I’m at my wits end. It doesn’t hurt unless I push really hard. The doctor said hot com...
How are your little ones doing with dummys (if they take one)? My little boy loves his for naps and sleep. He uses it to fall asleep and once he’s dropped off it falls out of his mouth. He doesn’t feed during the night (last feed at 8pm) but since he has hit the regression he now wakes on average 6/7 times between ...
How long is your LO normally awake and how old are they?
What time is you 21/22 month olds bed time at?
How are we going nappy changes? My little girl screams Bloody Mary when I try to change her nappy. She won’t lay still and will cry so much until it’s finished and will turn and turn trying to get away from me
Does anyone else feel intense amount of fatigue? Where sitting down and resting, including napping is almost required daily? I am not used to feeling so sedentary where I just need to rest and appointments drain me further. It feels like my body wants to sit in a nest and not move much. I am trying to see this as ...
6 months and I still haven’t had my period! (We’re exclusively breastfeeding). Anyone else similar or did you have yours…
Is anyone in this group still breast feeding and never in a million years imagined they would be?
I think I might be the only one whose son doesn’t sleep through the night. Forget STTN I feel like he’s the only one who wakes still every 2-3 hours on a bad night which is lots of nights. Always wanting to muse and not settling easily without nursing. Tried everything from the book on not nursing to sleep, increasi...
Hi everyone, my little girl is 20months, and all she has been doing lately is screaming and crying all day, I thought this may due to her teeth, but I took her to the park to which she would was non stop screaming would not let me put her down, and was a having a melt down. Honestly I don’t know if it’s there age.. ...
Any tips for conquering short naps? My 6.5 month old has never really been a good napper and will usually nap for around 25-40mins per nap, 3x per day. She’s sleeping well at night and is mostly happy after her short naps but would be nice to get an hour at least once a day! Does this just sort itself with age?
Has anyone taken ciprolex/lexapro from postpartum anxiety/postpartum panic attacks? I’ve been suffering for a few months now and it is slowly getting better but I still have my bad days and night where i will have panic attacks or they will wake me up from my sleep. Has anyone had experience with this? Should I just...
I see this word floating about all the time and google is not being exactly clear on the definition.
Going on our first little holiday abroad in may to Spain and I’m struggling to find a good travel pram, I want a one that isn’t too expensive but has a sunshade that comes far enough down so he can nap in the pram without getting burnt 🥰
Has anyone done this yet? I feel as though my baby might be ready for this as she’s wanting a later morning nap and then refuses her afternoon nap
Hello, can you please recommend your favourite hands free breast pumps especially for bigger boobs. Has anyone tried the mumcozy M5? Thank you!
Hey guys. My MIL recently came over on a day where my little girl was seriously cluster feeding (aaaalllllll day). i let her come over but my girl was attached to me the whole time. MIL later commented to my husband that she things I am spoiling her by letting her be on my boob that long and that i’m going to make h...
Hi everyone, we recently had a visit with a health visitor and my son scored quite low in the speech portion. I’m not necessarily worried yet because he babbles and talks a lot but just doesn’t say many real words. He says “moo”, “quack quack” “woof woof” and “hi or hiya” along with “dada”. He has only put two words...
Hello mommas I am in desperate need of advice. So my 9 month old has been on and off cosleeping since birth. Well he’s been super sick this past week and just to ease my mind he’s been sleeping with us. The issue is he can’t relax when it’s bedtime he’s sitting up crawling screaming and his newest thing is he flips ...