Community Posts, Tips & Support on Baby

Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.

Silent reflux or something else?

Over 1 month old little boy every time he has his bottle he cries and struggles even whilst drinking it, hates being burped, looks like he’s straining and going red faced! Looks so uncomfortable bless his heart. And then is sick for ages after, either sick the whole bottle or just small watery bits of sick throughou...


12 week jabs

Hows everyone doing after 12 week jabs? My baby has them a couple hours ago and is full of beans!



I’m 28 weeks pregnant but i want to start getting ready for breastfeeding with my first baby i had the worst experience ever when it came to breastfeeding after my c- section my milk supply just dried up but for this pregnancy i been feeling my breast differently any suggestions of what can i start taking or start ...


Bath time

Is anyone else struggling to give their toddler a bath , my son is 17 months old and now decided he hates the bath and as soon as he’s put in the bath he stands up screaming and crying and grabbing me to get him out even tho I’m right there next to him . Any tips on how to get him to have a bath and like it again?. ...


13 month old really bloated

We’ve all just had norovirus so we’ve not been well. My little one is fine now apart from a really bloated belly which seems to be causing him some pain. Is there anything I can give him to help? Would infacol or gripe water help? It seems to just be gas as he’s had plenty of dirty nappies


Mums with multiples

How are you getting anything done? I have a nearly 3 year old and a 4 week old. I don’t understand how I am meant to get my baby down for naps in the day when there is so much going on around her. We have just been for a long walk to help to get her to sleep but that didn’t help.


Is 10 too early to nap for 21 month old?

I’m happy when it’s early so it means can get on with the day and go to bed at a good time. ?


What's your pet peeve or "first world problem?"

Packaging that has seals with pull tabs THAT DON'T PULL! They enrage me. Why bother with the illusion of a tab if you know damn well I'm going to have to get a knife and pull this crap off in 57 pieces anyway 🫠


Moving away from 'Baby Bottles'

My 14 month old is fully on cows milk but we are struggling to get her away from her MAM milk bottles. She will drink from other cups - sippy and straw bottle but only a little bit when it's milk and then say no, whereas when she has a MAM bottle she will have around 240ml at a time. Does anyone have any tips to hel...


Baby monitor

Can anyone recommend a good baby monitor to get? 🙂


10-month regression

Hi 👋 my LO has been going through the worst regression since 8.5/9 months old. He’s never been sleep trained but we were getting somewhere in that he was falling asleep independently for his naps and he was waking twice a night while sleeping in a cot in our room. Now he only feeds to sleep day and night, won’t go…


Partner awake all night and I leave for work early

We have a 7 month old. He was up all night watching anime and now has to watch him while I work today. Now I can’t help but picture him falling asleep soon and being exhausted. I’m towing the line between he’s an adult and he has today off so he should do what he wants but also yi have a baby that needs you and I wa...


Osteopath or Accupuncture for Pelvic Pain

Does anyone know if one is better than the other? Currently 21 weeks and suffering from pretty severe pelvic pain but not sure at this stage would be more effective? Any thoughts or anyone with experience in this field?


sterilisation of the breaspumps

How often do people sterilise breast pumps? I am exclusively breastfeeding through pumping due to poor latch. Sterilising pump every 3 hours after each use is overwhelming, specially at nights.


Milk intake

My baby is 15 months old, and has almost stopped taking milk. He takes 120 mL in the morning and does not want to in the rest of the day. But eats well. Is this normal? How can I make him take more!


Still rocking to sleep at 10.5 months old - is this sustainable?

We’re still rocking our nearly 11-month-old to sleep for both naps and bedtime. Lately, she has started waking at either 1 a.m. or around 4-5 a.m. needing to be rocked again, which is exhausting. It’s killing my back, and it’s also affecting my partner’s sleep (and mine!). I’m wondering if this is sustainable as sh...


People who didn’t breastfeed

how long did it take for your milk to dry up? my boobs are so engorged and i’m so sick of wearing a bra now 🥲


Cleaning after weaning

How does everyone clean their baby's after each meal? Every meal is soooo messy!!! We have done baby wipes, a flannel, etc, but I feel like my LB needs a bath after every meal 🫣😂


First period after pregnancy

When did everyone get their first period back after pregnancy I’m 5 weeks pp tomorrow I had a natural delivery not breastfeeding and just wondering when everyone got theirs so I know roughly when to expect it 🤣🤍


Crying when pooing

In the last week, when my son does a poo he starts getting upset (loud crying). He can be settled quickly once he’s finished. He’s on 3 meals a day and he has gone up to 3 days without a bowel movement but lately he’s been going regularly but still crying. Is anyone else experiencing this? Any advice? Thanks mamas x


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