Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Baby.
My LO will eat anything but the only problem I’m having is how long she takes to eat! She can take up to 2 hours to eat her food which means it constantly goes cold and you can’t keep warming food up😩 it’s also very time consuming as I have a 2 month old too. I just feel like by the time she’s done with lunch it’s…
My baby is 8 weeks old and he wants to be held constantly, he screams the moment i put him down. Also he won’t nap at all during the day unless i hold him or put him in the sling. He falls asleep in my arms but the moment i put him in the cot he wakes up and cries. I’m exhausted and can’t do anything! I eat with h...
My son is 5 weeks and EBF. The past two days he’s been so unsettled and gassy which I think is my fault for eating beans which can make it harder to digest 🙈. Has anyone else experienced this and have any suggestions that can help - beyond bicycle legs/tummy massage 😫. How long will this have an effect 🤦🏻♀️
I've seen so much on tiktok and other places about collecting colostrum and I wanted to give it a go. It's something I haven't done with my previous pregnancies. I never breastfed either so this is all totally new to me. I was so disheartened at first as I tried for so long and only managed to get 0.1 of a ml but th...
Hello guys I need some tips and tricks for my high sprung possibly autistic son. He does not listen you can explain things to him so many times and he’s just gotta move. What are different strategies for him.
This post is for anyone not enjoying this phase. With my first I thought there was something wrong with me, I hated the newborn phase. This time round it’s easier as I have perspective but still not “enjoyable” I’m definitely a toddler mum! There is nothing wrong with you if you are finding it really tough and t...
Hi all. My 19 month old seems sensitive to the light when its bright outside. Do you put sunglasses on your child? I've seen the ones with the band round the back and I just wondered what other people do/have done? Thanks
Any tips? 😫 I am at my wits end! My son was sleeping through the night from 10 weeks (everyone told me to savour it, they were so right!) The last 3 weeks have been torturous!!! He went from sleeping through to waking up every hour from 3am. It was manageable until his day sleep started to slip aswell, he was a…
Does anyone else’s 3month old nap late afternoon and it’s her longest nap and if wake her she’s to tired to wake I’m going to wake her at 6 and then let her play for a hour then take her up stairs and hopefully she will feed more than 2onze and sleep 7.30 8pm latest
How are you moms dealing with tantrums ???
My baby just turned 3 weeks today. He just had a full 120ml (4oz) bottle of formula 40 minutes ago and is already giving me hunger cues again. Should I offer him more or let his previous meal digest for a bit ? I just feel like how can his stomach possibly have more room ?😂
hey mamas my baby is breast-fed and bottle fed with formula and breastmilk. I was wondering if it’s ok for baby to have a formula bottle now and the next one be breast milk and so forth ? Thanks
So my girl sleeps mostly through the night. She goes down about 6:30 and wakes up 6:30ish. Just curious to know what time other 3 nearly 4 year olds go to bed at ? Feel like 6:30 is too early, but because she’s been sleeping through I haven’t tried changing it. However due to summer coming I’d like to try and push ...
Whats the longest your babies have gone without feeding? My daughter hasn’t had a bottle in 7 hours now. Ive woken her up a few times but she just screams and refuses the bottle. Any advice?
I’m 10 weeks post partum, formula feeding - anyone else in the same boat where their period is nowhere to be seen still?
My baby seems to nurse a lot better on one side compared to the other. I try to rotate sides each time I breastfeed but it seems that when he’s on my right he’s not satisfied and after about 10 minutes he wants the other side. When it’s my left side I nurse him on, he never needs the other side to be full. I’m notic...
My baby has just turned one (very early April baby!) and I'm not sure how to give cows milk. At the moment I give him a formula bottle morning, afternoon and night but do I carry this on with cows milk or is it meant to be given more as a drink when he's eating?
Can anyone recommend a stair gate you don’t have to drill into the wall and will fit a gap of 86cm minimum please? We can’t find anything that doesn’t mean drilling into our walls 🙃
my husband and i got into a big fight this morning. i was exhausted and i needed 30 more minutes because my daughter woke up to feed at 1, 5, 7 and 8 in the morning. while he slept peacefully thru the night. it never bothers me that he does. i just ask in return for him to help with diapers or take her in the mornin...
I'm looking for recommendations for a affordable hands free breast pump I'm currently using the manual medela pump but wanting an electric one. Looking at the Nuliie electric breast pump (s32) if anyone has experience with it?