Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Postpartum Care.
I'm so stressed and overwhelmed with motherhood I am going thru a lot with my son being medically complex but I am still dealing with stuff I've been burying and I love my son to death but I feel like I get overwhelmed too fast and I'm feeling like I am failing as a mother does anyone feel like this does it get bett...
8 weeks pregnant, and I feel like I'm a completely different person. I hate everyone. Like i have zero compassion for anything, I'm just saying it like it is (more so than normal). I'm not affectionate with my partner at all, and even tho i love my daughter I'm finding it hard to so the baby pretend play happy shit...
I’m trying to figure out how much breastmilk I should pump beforehand just in case the pain is horrendous and I need to take the pain killers. Some have told me it’s the worst pain second to child birth and others have said it’s no big deal. I appreciate any experience/thoughts! My appointment to have all 4 removed ...
Is anyone else baby going through separation aniexty. I feel like my baby is she is stuck to me during the day if I’m gone out of the room she will get so upset even with her daddy. After been put down for bedtime she will move and cry a lot in her sleep without waken up fully until she can feel me for comfort.
my 5 month old is losing his hair is this normal??? im also losing hair i guess we will be matching baldies lolll (i laugh so i dont cry)
I had an episiotomy and forceps birth 5 days ago and I am still in a lot of pain, how long have other people taken to recover?
I am so exhausted and upset right now. All I seem to hear from my little one these days is whinging, screaming and sobbing. Probably up 4/5 times a night when before it was just two. I've even found myself asking myself if I regret having him this month 😭 which just made me cry harder because I love him so much. I…
Has anyone had 2nd degree tears and can tell me how long the pain lasted for you? I had an episiotomy but also really bad tearing and they used a lot of stitches. The main pain is the labia where they had to stitch it back together. I'm struggling so much to sit or walk around the house and it's hard trying to look ...
I have almost crippling anxiety about my 4 months old baby. He is big healthy boy but I am constantly paranoid about him catching something , especially when out and meeting people. This kept me quite antisocial but I joined now some baby classes to overcome this madness and my boy loves it, I want to do this for hi...
Im 12 days postpartum and Im still struggling with my incision, its healing well according to my midwife, but I’m still in pain at times even after taking painkillers. Hows your recovery going? Any tips?
Okay mamas, I need some input. My husband and I have decided to start trying for baby #2 in a few weeks… and I’m PANICKING. Like big time second thoughts. My biggest concern is my relationship with my daughter changing. It’s so sacred right now and I don’t want to lose that. Can anyone give me a little more info abo...
What are you all doing for hair loss? It’s falling like crazy and I’m starting to get concerned I’ll be bald by the end of the year 🤣
My partner was diagnosed with possible bi polar and isn’t consistent with taking his meds. We have no money and rely on his income alone to pay bills as I’m on maternity leave. He’s always super tired and calls in late and my body fills will rage hearing him and watching him snooze his alarm. I don’t know what to do...
I need advice however I don’t want to be judged in any way cuz everything I did was to keep my family together I’m a young mum early 20s and I’m trapped in a relationship with a insane person . I don’t know how to get rid of this parasite let me give you the picture so u can understand the situation I am a not marri...
Anyone else’s toddler refusing to nap, waking up atleast 8 times in the night & screaming, moaning all day? Because same. I absolutely hate this age so much, i’ve never struggled so much in my life. She use to be the most chill little girl, it’s like she been possessed all of a sudden. I really don’t recognise my ch...
When I told my Chinese parents that I was pregnant, my mum ran off to buy a whole bunch of expensive Chinese teas, herbal pills and other things to help with postpartum, she also bought herbal pills for my baby. I’m not against traditional Chinese medicine but honestly, I’m not going to use this stuff. Especially no...
I am a first time mum to a little girl who is coming up to 6 months and I am constantly questioning everything…… am I doing enough? Is she going to develop properly? Is she too hot/cold? The list goes on….. and to top it all off I am constantly comparing myself to other mothers online which I’m old enough to know is...
We have had comments made about how overprotective we are of our son since he was born. We’re first time parents and have been following guidance that we’ve been given from medical professionals such as; only mum and dad can kiss baby, nobody to smoke/vape around him and if you’re poorly or think you’re getting to p...
I honestly feel so bad. I am 32 years old, my baby is 20 months now and he’s never been on holiday abroad because I am pathetic and I’m too scared to fly. All of my friends and their families have holidays booked etc and I can’t do it! I got to the airport once (to fly from England to Ireland) and I couldn’t get on ...
So I very much dislike my SD. A bit of background of I have 2 step children 1 boy (4) and 1 girl (7) (both have different mums from my husbands previous relationships) have an amazing co-parenting relationship with my SS mum we all attend birthday parties sports days parent teachers together and always get invited t...