13 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a peach!

13 Weeks Pregnant: Baby is as big as a peach!

Week 13 at a glance

You’re in your third month of pregnancy, the first trimester is behind you, and you’re beginning the second.


At 13 weeks pregnant, you might still be feeling under the weather with some lingering early pregnancy symptoms, but what else is going on in that ever-expanding 13-week pregnant belly of yours?

In this article: 📝

  • Week 13 at a glance
  • Baby development at 13 weeks
  • Pregnancy symptoms at 13 weeks
  • Pregnancy tips at 13 weeks

Baby development at 13 weeks

Your 13-week fetus is now 3 inches long (about 7.6cm) and weighing an incredible 28 grams.

Your peach-sized baby is developing their vocal cords ready for their first solo and with newly formed arm and leg bones, they’re practicing their dance moves too.

At 13 weeks old, your baby’s intestines, which have been growing in a cavity inside the umbilical cord, have thankfully relocated into their abdominal space, which will be slightly more convenient for them further down the track.

Their facial features are in the right spots now, so if you have a 13-week pregnant ultrasound, you’ll probably be able to see a fairly human-like set of eyes, ears, nostrils, and lips.

What a cutie!

What you won’t see, however, is the soft coating of fuzzy peach-hair (lanugo), which is growing all over them.

The lanugo helps bind a white, waxy coating of a substance called vernix onto your baby’s skin which keeps them warm and protected from bacteria in their amniotic swimming pool for the next 6-ish months.

Around now your baby is nailing their swallowing and urinating, so you know what this means?

Over the next few weeks, the composition of the amniotic fluid will change until it’s mostly composed of urine for the second half of pregnancy.


So that’s baby covered ‒ what about you, mama?

Pregnancy symptoms at 13 weeks

Around now, the placenta takes over hormone production for the baby, so you might find yourself experiencing less of those mood swings.

Sighs of relief all around!

Your uterus has grown up and out of your pelvis so you might be rocking a cute little 13-week pregnant bump, and you might feel more confident to start sharing your news (if you haven’t already).

Whether you’re showing or not and sharing, or not, it’s all good, mama.

And whatever you’re up to on the outside, there’s plenty of stuff going on on the inside…

Uh-oh, you’re a bit blocked up

Yep, constipation can be a real buzz-kill around now.

Blame it on the progesterone that’s coursing through your body for slowing down your digestive tract.

There’s what in your underwear?!

We’re talking leukorrhea, the milky discharge that increases during pregnancy.

It’s usually nothing to worry about, but keep an eye out for any bleeding, or funny-colored or smelly discharge that may indicate an infection.

Your veins are everywhere!

Increased blood flow means your veins are probably pretty visible right now, snaking their way across your expanding boobs and belly.

A visual reminder of all the amazing work your body is doing right now.

If you start feeling like you have more energy and fewer physical pregnancy symptoms, it’s a good time to take stock of your mental well-being.

Too much stress, and feeling anxious or depressed during pregnancy can be damaging, so seek help if you need it.

It might be good to talk.

Is 13 weeks the 2nd trimester?

Not quite.

Although there’s some debate, officially, the second trimester is week 14 to week 28.

Pregnancy tips at 13 weeks

You’re 13 weeks pregnant, and your little one is starting to look more and more like a tiny human every day.

Here are some things to add to your checklist:

  • Shortlist your favorite baby names: While Peanut is a super-cute nickname, baby will need something in about 27 weeks’ time.
  • Sleep on your side: For your comfort and baby’s.
  • Look into pediatricians: Some pediatricians can have long waitlists, so it’s worth looking into early on.
  • Keep hydrated and moisturized: Not just for your internal health and baby’s development, but also to stave off stretch marks, if you want to keep them at bay ‒ not that there’s anything wrong with them, of course!
  • Keep up with exercise: Regular exercise during pregnancy can help you stay healthy, reduce stress, and prepare your body for labor and delivery. Whether it’s a brisk walk or a prenatal yoga class, make sure you’re getting some movement in every day.
  • Keep up with those prenatal vitamins: Prenatal vitamins are important for both you and baby, so make sure you’re taking them as directed by your healthcare provider.
  • Go shopping for some cute maternity clothes: As your bump grows, your regular clothes might start feeling a bit snug. Treat yourself to some cute and comfy maternity clothes that will make you feel like a million bucks!
  • Schedule your next prenatal appointment: It’s important to stay on top of your prenatal care, so schedule your next appointment with your healthcare provider.
  • Take a babymoon: If you didn’t get a chance to take a babymoon yet, now’s the time, before bump gets in the way!
  • Invest in some comfy shoes: As your belly grows, your center of gravity will shift, which can lead to some aching feet. Treat yourself to some comfy, supportive shoes that will help you stay on your feet all day.

Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so don’t worry if things don’t go exactly according to plan.

Just keep taking care of yourself and your little one, and enjoy this amazing journey into motherhood.

You got this, mama!

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