Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Nutrition & Fitness.
Has anyone used this brand of vitamins before? If so do you think it’s a good one?
What multivitamins is everyone using?
Hello ladies, Can anyone recommend multivitamins that’s not a liquid form! I haven’t honestly tried 5+ liquid forms and my little boy just refuses every single one because they taste and smell horrible! I’ve tried looking at the gummy ones but most of them are 3+ anyone found some that a 2 year old can take! Real...
Hi! I am 14 months pp and as big as I was the day I gave birth. I am still breastfeeding a lot so I know that has played a role into me not being able to lose weight. I have struggled a lot with my weight since my daughter started getting older because I felt like I should’ve lost it by now and none of my clothes fi...
What are we doing for electrolytes. My doc recommended that I try to get a little more in each day. She said liquid iv but that 💩 is NASTY. Is there anything else I might be able to eat or drink that can give me some? (27 weeks)
Slowly but surely working towards a nontoxic (or at least less toxic) household and getting caught up in trying to pick out our next Cookware set
homemade lasagna every 6-months is a necessity in my home. The process takes time.
Hi mommas! 👋 As I am trying to lose weight and starting to become more active, I thought it would be fun to do a step challenge with others! Would anyone want to join?
Anyone else with very low results , I now have to take iron and double strength folic acid for 3 months
Looking for vitamins and supplements suggestions. I’m 7 months postpartum, currently breastfeeding.
For reference LO is 21m Breakfasts: Greek yoghurt, blueberry and honey cakes (failed pancakes!) Raspberry and chia seed oat muffins Strawberry cheesecake pastries Lunches: Sausage feta and spinach pastries Rosemary and thyme chicken pies with peas Ham and cheese naan pizzas Also cooking tuna crunch wraps and ...
Does it really? 🙃 6 weeks in and struggling
Only because I’ve never eaten or cooked this before. I soaked,washed and soaked And washed the tripe for like 4hrs. I’m about to turn the heat down and check on it. And updated the picture . lol
Those who have the lovevery play gym, is it worth it to sign up for the toy subscription? If so, do you still need to buy additional toys or can the toys from the subscription be enough for the baby to learn and play with?
Hiya guys, I've been going to the gym since 8 weeks pp. I want more exercises to get rid of the mum pouch😂 and to tone my stomach muscles too. Does anyone have any recommendations on what type of exercises to do?
Does anyone have any recommendations for a daily/every other day exercise routine to do at home please? I’m eager to get in some exercise again after having my daughter but need something I can do in the living room when at home with my children
Hello all! Can anyone recommend pregnancy yoga/pilates in/around Enfield. I’m moving to the area in December so would love to get started!
Starting to think on batch cooking meals. Any ideas other than the usual spaghetti bolognese, stew/casserole etc?
Do you give your little ones additional vitamins? My little girl is constantly ill cold after cold at the moment she’ll be over one and it’ll return a week later! Feel so sorry for her 😞 has been like it since she started nursery in September. Is there anything to can give to help boost her immune system?
I’m currently 15 +6 and I keep waking up with headaches in the mornings and I’m thinking it’s to do with the lack of vitamins, does anyone know what is good to take in second trimester?