Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Sex & Relationships.
Had my first baby in June. We haven't had sex since last March. Hubby says it's cos he's tired and baby's in the room. We live with family and he's away working most of the week. Has this happened to anyone before? I hear lots about the men wanting sex but not many women. Could be his age too (40 odd)?
Y’all 🥲 I won’t lie, I’m terrible at the matching portion of this app. So I’m hoping this works instead! Since spring is around the corner I’d love to get some of us together for like a meet and greet!(?) I’m terrible at texting and much better at meeting people in person. We just moved back to the Three Rivers…
Yes this day was meant for corporations to make 💲💲💲. However, if you cared or loved you the least he could’ve done is a homemade card, or cooked for you.
Hi, there is a WhatsApp chat for Leicester mum’s if anyone wants to join? Just give me a message with your numbers. It’s not long been created so don’t have many in it at the minute.
couldn’t show up for her as she wanted & I felt like she was over bearing me. My ex was also isolating me & I was being emotionally abused/ manipulated. She was there for me a lot & vise versa. So a lot of our fights were about communication. We both were immature & wrong and we never had a problem apologizing. It’s...
I’m so upset and so so sad . My partner and I have been arguing so much . I just became a FTM in December. He is always yelling at me, makes me feel like I’m not good enough . Actually told me if I think I’m doing my best it’s not good enough . He’s told me I’m doing a terrible job as a mom because I have been tendi...
From what feels like an emotional affair after lies and secrecy?
I need a bestie. Some one who isn't judgmental.
Salaam Mamas, I hope you’re all doing well! My little one, Yusuf, is 6 weeks old now, and while I’m loving all the newborn cuddles, the nights have been tough. He’s been crying a lot in the evenings, and I’m starting to think he might be colic. I’ve tried all the usual things- burping, tummy massages, bicycle legs,...
Anyone located in groton ct wanna start a mom's club or book club where we meet bi weekly without or with our kids at a coffee shop or restaurant or park or something? Need mom friends. Also need a walking buddy. New to town. Preferably if you live in groton or around the area. Lmk. Mom of 3 month old boy and 7 ye...
I think I need to break up with my bf.. so we are long distance rn.. but he got on a plane and came to my state.. he’s been here since Thursday.. and I have yet to see him! But yet he stated he came out here to spend vday with me 💀.. but claimed he’s been so busy.. we were suppose to be having a date night tonight…
Was today hard for anyone else? Like even though you tried to get your mind from being sad it still landed back at the end of the night?
Happy Valentine’s Day from my little to all of the other July 2023 littles
Theory, if you’ve read all the books. What if this story is like Warm Bodies? Remember R was a zombie but the more she loved him and he loved her, the more human he became. What if it’s similar to Violet and Xaden? She’s always showing the strength of the love they have for each other. And he’s always telling he...
My fiance and I have been together since we were 16, so 9 years this year. Our daughter is now 3 and for some reason ever since having her I have no sex drive. I still love my fiancé but I never want to have sex. I do it for him because he wants to but I could go months without it. Before having her I was never like...
Looking to make some good friends.
I’ve seen a bunch of talk around men gifting women flowers for Valentine’s Day (good and bad). And was wondering have you ever bought your man flowers? I read an article stating only 12% of men receive flowers in their lifetime but out of men polled about 60% said they would like to receive flowers.
Jasmine here loves you ..
I need mama friends!!! I’m losing my mind being a stay at home momma right now and I need baby bestie coffee dates or just someone to chat with 🫶🏼
Just looking for good friends to text with, video chat and hang out. I'm 32 from Union City, TN but I'm all over Paris, Dresden, Martin, Jackson, Humboldt, Milan, and Alamo quite offten. I have 3 crazy kids 11, 7 and 4 and a husband I love my church and being part of the Christian community (always a plus if friends...