Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Work & Money.
I haven’t worked for my current employer long enough so need to claim maternity allowance instead of getting SMP. Just wondering if anyone else is struggling with baby brain and filling out this form?! So many dates and so much thinking 😵💫🫣😂
*Child birth etc
I have to go back to work in April and I'm just so sad about it. My May baby is my second child and I thought I'd get the most out of this mat leave because I wasn't doing everything for the first time, but it has seem to have flown by. Anyone else feeling rubbish about going back to work? Xx
I've seen different views on here and just curious with people's opinions
Hi am I still entitled to the maternity grant. I’m pregnant and working however I’m a single mother? Thanks x
Has anyone ever took their boss to a tribunal regarding maternity discrimination?
Bonus: tell me what you did on that day off in the comments
Is anyone receiving Maternity pay & universal credit? I was told I’m not eligible as maternity is classed as an income is this true?
Mums, my mind is boggled and I’m sure you’ll be able to help me! My maternity allowance ended on 29th November (started on 1st March so 39 weeks), I last received a payment on 21st November (week 38), am I right in thinking I am due 1 more payment? Or have others received the final payment on the date theirs ended (...
Can anyway give a rough idea of what my SMP payments will be after tax/NI deductions? Im on my period of SMP only and panicking slightly 🙃😬
I’m graduating this month with my associates in business administration. I’ve been applying to jobs but haven’t had much luck
Has anyone else fallen pregnant on maternity leave and did not return to work in between? Specifically in Canada. I haven’t contacted my work yet about it but I’m wondering can they let me go? Or will I be able to keep my position after taking an extended leave (unpaid obviously)
anyone has positive stories / tips re working from home with a baby? Or am I delusional that it might work out?
Are there any real work from home jobs that anyone knows of or have even experienced ? Anything helps !
What would you do? Your mum gave you £15k to help buy a property for you, your partner and baby but the sale fell through. She said keep it until you find somewhere else. Your partner (not married but you are in a good relationship and not living together yet) says "give the £15k to me and I'll use it to buy my fl...
My work have rang to say my maternity ends in January 1st but I only went on leave June the 8th so this is only 7 months of maternity and I'm getting paid statutory for 9 months right? 3 months unpaid if I choose to stay off for the full year. They're ringing to ask me if I'm going back in January to do kit days or ...
Can someone explain maternity pay eligibility in the NHS please? How long do you need to be with current employer in Scotland? Recently moved jobs…
Hi there. I've been super active before pregnancy but since I found out our life circumstances changed and I haven't been active since July. I want to catch up and prepare for labour. HELP, any apps, youtube channels, books! Thank you
Any moms in Houston who work from home with just a high school diploma or know any companies hiring for remote positions ?
What are we non driving moms doing about nursery and work?? Stressing about public transport not showing up and missing pick up time! Can’t afford learning to drive in this economy anymore🤣Partner drives but he works quite far out, do i just get a new job thats close? Whats everyone doing x