Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Planning for a Baby.
We've been trying for our second child for over 6 months now and I THINK these might be very faint positives 🥹 Opinions please? X
Just looking at more options for grandparents and a 7 month old.
anyone baby try honey yet?!
Does unprotected sex during FET impact the actual transfer? Thanks!
Hello! We started our very first IVF cycle last night. I’m on 450IU of Meriofert. My partner did the injection last night but he’s working tonight so I had to do it myself. I nearly passed out when I’d finished! Is this normal? Have I done something wrong? I also couldn’t get all the liquid in the vial inside the s...
Bottom test i forgot to check in time😩😩😩 A week late, I think I’m only about 9dpo or 11dpo, can’t say for certain!! Had a bit ‘spotting today’ nothing major but not something I’ve had before.
Last week I had 5 positive tests and I am 4 weeks + 5 days. I have had very light spotting yesterday and today (hardly anything) so have been trying not to worry. I just did another test for peace of mind and it’s negative ?! 🥹
It apparently kicks in around week 29/30. I think there should be more posts around this because this period is intense. Sleep deprivation is one thing, but the additional crying, clinginess and crankiness on top? For the first time I am losing the will. If anyone has any good news stories of coming out the other si...
Ok so back story me and my partner trying for 4 years. I had 9 rounds of clomid all fails, 1 round of letrozol that worked but miscarried and another letrozole that just failed and currently on my 3rd round! I was due my period yesterday done a test today and still negative (I know I should of done first pee but I ...
Still testing negative and there is no sign whatsoever of AF (period) coming!!! Should I try a different test?? Thinking of getting some different tests on Monday if period doesn’t come.
Has anyone ever felt like they were pregnant without taking a test and having a positive test. Like a gut feeling. I've been having severe insomnia. Which I've never had before. If you ever did have this feeling, did you ever get your full positive. If so, how did it go. Please let me know. I would appreciate it a l...
I had these two positive tests today that came up within the 3 minute wait time. However… I’m due on my period today and I’m getting dull period like cramps, I have a low backache and a headache… Do you think these are just evap lines or a true positive reading. I’m worried I might come on my period so I don’t kn...
Currently 10dpo on letrozole cycle and I been testing since 8dpo and it all comming back negative. I do have PCOS so it just driving me insane. I have been getting cramps and backaches but test are comming back negative. I feel super tired.
False positive This month I think i ovulated early and I missed my LH peak, but I’ve been tracking bbt and think I’m 9dpo, thought we were out this month cause although we were BD around the beginning of my cycle I didn’t think the timings were optimal. But I’ve just done a easy@home and I swear I see a vvvvvvvv...
Tested negative five days before my (hopefully) missed period which is the earliest this test is supposed to detect pregnancy. My rational brain is saying just wait until the day my cycle is supposed to come on. But my anxious brain is saying it's probably not gonna happen this month 🙃
Looking for women who went through this procedure !
Is this an evap line or a positive? I am 4 days late for my period but it seems negative to me
So I caved and took a pregnancy test and the line appeared right away. My transfer was on the 8th and I wasn’t feeling anything but some cramping; naturally I was worried I was going to start my period so I took it and it appeared right away. Can anyone tell me if this is accurate please?
Ive been trying to baby #2 for over a year now, im 10dpo today and got this vvvvfl Its not FMU. I dont want to get excited, ive waited for so long.
So girlies, I am really struggling with these ovulation strips. Flo has said peak ovulation day and I’ve tested on the strips (picture attached) I just dont know if it’s the peak or not or how these work tbh.