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11dpo negative pregnancy test, I saw somewhere that if you get a positive ovulation test it may indicate LH and HGC surges. So I did this and my ovulation test was positive, flashing smiley on clear blue. AF is due on Tuesday, do we think this is a good sign?
What is all this high and low fluctuation about???
I have been tracking ovulation with digital tests and obviously what I’m doing isn’t enough 🥲 is there anything that you guys did that could maybe help me
doea this mean im ovulating but low chance? and does 1 line mean not ovulating? thanks
I came off the pill after being on it for 8 years, had unprotected sex with a “whatever happens, happens” mentality for 2 years. Nothing happened, we then decided to track ovulation and realised I wasn’t ovulating because I wasn’t getting periods. I suddenly got my first period months later and miraculously got preg...
Hi guys, I've got a little boy - nearly 3 now. First time I got pregnant we "tried" for one month and I was pregnant 2 weeks later so was extremely easy. We had sex during ovulation from tracking my periods on the flo app and we were successful. Last month we decided it was time for baby number two... we have tried...
Does anyone else have real difficulty getting a peak with easy at home ovulation sticks? Seems only get peak circles with clear blue?! What is everyone’s preference? Is natural cycles any good for ovulation tracking?
I don’t know much about doing ovulation test this is my first month! Can anyone tell me why I tested a higher number then it went all the way down the first one was 2 days after my period.
Peaked on the 8th of September,we BD the day before my peak ,what the chances of me getting pregnant, i have tested negative so far ...is it just too early? Feeling a little bit sad as I don't think we timed it right ... It's never been this dark ,I'm hoping it's worked this time!
I didn't manage to get pregnant this cycle gone, so I'm going to track ovulation next time. I EBF and I follow the Flo app, and my period is usually exactly when that says, but I think maybe it's not getting my ovulation day right. I'm on CD1 today. What tests are best, and when do I track for ovulation?? Is it when...
I've been tracking and I know it's earlier than I'm supposed to test but omg I've never seen this before, am I the only one?
Hey, I am doing an IVF cycle. I’ve been testing for a few days now. For me 12 days post transfer (which is equal to 17 days post ovulation) looks lighter than days 10 and 11?
Should I be concerned my ovulation tests aren’t getting darker? According to Pregmate and Flo I was supposed to ovulate today or tomorrow but have yet to get a positive and they’re actually getting lighter instead of darker :( I notice everyone else who does test progression for ovulation their tests get darker not ...
Hi all, Me and my partner are now actively TTC after a chemical pregnancy unfortunately. Just need some help understanding ovulation tests as we’ve never really used them. From the pic does it mean I’m in my fertile window now? I’ve never been sure using apps to be a reliable source. I know it doesn’t mean my su...
My daughter is now 16 months old. For a while my cycle was 29 days long consistently once it started again. I had a miscarriage and then was back on birth control for a few months. I stopped it again in June. From June to July my cycle became longer, but I had a period July 19th. August I didn't have a period. Then ...
10DPO I think I'm out this cycle. I have zero symptoms
Hey ladies! I finished my last dose of clomid on Friday 9/13. Have been having sex the entire time and continuing to still. When should I start taking ovulation tests as well as possibly pregnancy tests?
AF due in 2 days according to my flo app. and 14dpo. this was afternoon testing 🤷🏻♀️
Does it look like I’ve hit peak yesterday?
How do I know if I am ovulating each month if my periods aren’t always the same length every month. They change between 5-7 days in a month