Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
37+4 tried everything and getting nothing but the size of a dot. 😢 been trying now for the last few days - I’m trying hard not to be disappointed but it would reassuring after my c section that I had some to offer.
Me and my husband have been trying for a few months now for another baby and it’s soul destroying :( another month has gone and nothing I am literally so upset we have been trying vitamins to help but no joy can anyone give me some advice on what to do please. I know people will say it will happen but I just feel it...
Had a letter to say I’m low in PAPP-A, I’m panicking! Anyone else had this?
We have tried for 8 months for 2nd baby. How to help to preg quick. My first was very quick fell pregnant so I wouldn't expect 2nd baby would be quick pregnant like 1st
I'm a first-time mum and I have a little boy who is 5 months old but my partner and myself are another baby close in age? What's your opinion
Anyone else have a glob of sperm come out of them after sex? Like why do I soak my underwear afterwards.
Only 3 weeks after my last period so nothing major would show at this point, but you know how we can be when TTC lol!!
How long after your MC did you start trying again? It’s been a month and a half since I had my MC and ready to try again. Did anyone try this soon or wait longer?
Hello! I’m recently diagnosed endometriosis/ adenomyosis. I had a laparoscopy in December which removed the endo and now looking to TTC again. Looking for any positive stories as I’m super anxious- been TTC baby #2 for over a year 😩
Anyone else planning on getting pregnant again this year? We’re going to start trying again in September (took over a year first time tho). But it feels crazy to say I had a baby last year and want to get pregnant again this year. I’d rather leave it longer however my partner is a bit older and doesn’t want kids i...
Currently on amoxicillin and unsure whether or not to wait...
Hello Moms! If youre in your mid 30s and up and had a miscarriage... how long did you wait to TTC and how long did it take for miracle rainbow baby? (Was there any medical issues during or anything taken to help boost your chances)
Any recommendations on birthing balls? I looked at a few on amazon but the reviews weren't good, i.e. bursting or not being true to size
What are/was your main driver for starting to conceive another child?
Has anyone else passed 36 weeks and hasn’t started producing colostrum yet? I’m 38 weeks today and still waiting for a sign that I’m ready to harvest but nope nothing yet🙃
TMI but does anyone else feel like they’ve pissed themselves all day everyday? 😂
I’m 2dpo can’t wait for these two weeks to come! 🤍 anyone else at 2dpo?
I am trying to convince with my husband on making another baby….. What suggestions
Hello I am 38+2 with baby number 2 any tips on how to naturally start bringing on labour? I went a week over with my first and the thought of being pregnant for another 3 weeks gives me the fear😅 I am so ready for baby to make an appearance hahah but I know baby will come when they are ready- I have been told I…