Honest, unfiltered, and in real-time: what women like you are talking about. Peanut group chats, support, and posts on Trying to Conceive.
Im a little nervous to write about this but.. not sure i am conformable to tell anyone in person. Ive been wanting to TTC and we usually try to aim for peak days. Other days can go on sexless really. But lately, my husband has been having his "guy" go soft. He does not want to admit it and makes excuses for why its ...
Is anyone else in the same boat, I have PCOS and have been TTC since August. I never seem to get a ‘high’ or even a ‘peak’ on my ovulation tests. My periods are very irregular and light. Just wondering if anyone else is going through the same and has managed to conceive or any other advice? Xx
Has anyone else started trying or thinking about trying for number two? Ideally I’d love a 2 year age gap, knowing it took so long to conceive the first time, are we stupid to start trying now?
40 weeks pregnant and been trying to get colostrum for 3 weeks now, but nothing is working not even a drop :( anyone else in same boat? X
Hello, we've just had our second baby and we have always said we didn't want a large age gap between our children. Looking around 2/3 years - I'm struggling with knowing if this will be our last baby or not. My heart tells me I would like another, but my head tells me that might not be the best idea.. How did you...
Hi TTC friends. My husband and I have been ttc for 6, almost 7 years.. we’ve have multiple losses. We have kinda given up hope. We’ve been to specialists and done medication.. and doctors suggested IVF but we cannot afford IVF. I think we are going to try one more time to get pregnant naturally since that seems to b...
Yes, he told me to open the package. I didn't know what it was used for until I looked it up and wow... he expressed to me a few times that he thought he ejaculate too fast, but not to me, and if he does, it's definitely not all the time. How will this affect me (my vagina) when we have sex if anyone knows or has us...
Did you plan your births (actively try to not get pregnant) or did you just let it be what it’s gonna be? My husband and I have been wanting another child for a while now but we only just got settled in our new home and in a spot where we are ready to try (or at least stop trying to prevent it). My daughter is 5 an...
I took a test today at 10DPO which you can take 3 days before your missed period. It was negative but wondering if there is still a chance….🤞🏻
My husband and I will be trying for baby #2 in a couple of months. How easily was it for y'all to conceive after your first? I know everyone is different but I'd like to hear all of the answers 😁 Also is there anything specific (besides sexy time) that helped y'all conceive?
37+4 tried everything and getting nothing but the size of a dot. 😢 been trying now for the last few days - I’m trying hard not to be disappointed but it would reassuring after my c section that I had some to offer.
Me and my husband have been trying for a few months now for another baby and it’s soul destroying :( another month has gone and nothing I am literally so upset we have been trying vitamins to help but no joy can anyone give me some advice on what to do please. I know people will say it will happen but I just feel it...
Had a letter to say I’m low in PAPP-A, I’m panicking! Anyone else had this?
We have tried for 8 months for 2nd baby. How to help to preg quick. My first was very quick fell pregnant so I wouldn't expect 2nd baby would be quick pregnant like 1st
I'm a first-time mum and I have a little boy who is 5 months old but my partner and myself are another baby close in age? What's your opinion
Anyone else have a glob of sperm come out of them after sex? Like why do I soak my underwear afterwards.
Only 3 weeks after my last period so nothing major would show at this point, but you know how we can be when TTC lol!!
How long after your MC did you start trying again? It’s been a month and a half since I had my MC and ready to try again. Did anyone try this soon or wait longer?
Hello! I’m recently diagnosed endometriosis/ adenomyosis. I had a laparoscopy in December which removed the endo and now looking to TTC again. Looking for any positive stories as I’m super anxious- been TTC baby #2 for over a year 😩
Currently on amoxicillin and unsure whether or not to wait...