Ladies, line up for a headache: one girl is pregnant and the other is faking it. She goes as far as faking the pregnancy, labor, delivery and medical complications of the newborn. And baby daddy issues. *link below

I attached the link and a YouTube video that breakdown the whole story. Nasty work
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The girl girl that’s not pregnant fakes it all. She even purchased a “mom car” for her new baby. She has two baby showers because she was lying to 2 different guys about “you’re the daddy”. Her own mother is excited to be a grandma and thinks this child is real. The girl has ultrasound pictures and the whole pregnancy symptoms many of us have experienced. She waits until 41 to give birth as someone was growing suspicious. She gives birth and then creates this medical complications that the infant needs a kidney and has the rarest blood type (Rh-null)…which only 50 people have WORLDWIDE. Then it’s AB positive (1% of the world population has this). People are on social media working hard to help this woman and her new born baby find a matching kidney.

Long story short, her new born baby she was showing off on social media—-it’s just a baby doll. That baby doll and other baby shit accidentally fell out of her trunk and that’s how she got caught lying.

People like this make me sad sick it's not ok to fake pregnancy many women can't ever have kid or have to wait for a miracle to happen to carry a baby . And I'm an angel mom of 1 in heaven and a boy mom to 1 on earth . So this makes me sick as fuck and as a mom this is why I teach my son about good and bad people . My son is my rainbow baby

Yep and she was planning on stealing her best friends baby too. That’s why she faked the pregnancy at the same time as her.

I didn’t know 1% of the world had my blood type 😅

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