Call the office back and ask if that OB will do cycle day 21 testing to see if you’ve ovulated. You wouldn’t even see the doctor, you’d just go in on day 21 of your cycle and the nurse takes blood and calls with results. If they say no, keep calling around and just simply ask that question until someone says yes. When they do the testing and confirm you don’t ovulate on your own, they’ll prescribe clomid or letrozole. I know it’s frustrating that this OB won’t prescribe it to you because of your lack of symptoms and irregular periods but you do run a risk of hyperovulation and high count multiples if you’re ovulating and taking it. Good luck on finding someone to help you!! 💕💕
My OB told me he doesn’t fully trust ovulation tests to confirm ovulation. He said often times women that don’t ovulate on their own will still get a peak on the strips but never actually ovulate. That happened with me so he did the CD21 testing and confirmed his suspicions that I wasn’t ovulating. I also have irregular cycles except for when I’m on fertility drugs (I’ve been on a total of 12 rounds of clomid, and for some reason it regulates me.)
Check ur progestrone levels on ur CD21 get urself the digital ovulation kit from clearblue And get enough stock for 2 months.. Then get a box of Amazon's easy@hone test stripes Ovulation/ pregnancy First month. Check ur dates. When you get AG. how long. Symptoms etc. Get Ovia app! Game changer. Log everything! 12th day after AF start testing till POS OPK. 2nd month if not pregnant by first month. 10-12th day after AF start using digital ovulation kit. And stripes. And every month ask to get a (serial of tests) PROGESTRONE AND HCG AFTER each ovulation GET PROOV TESTS they are taken 3-4 days after ovulation is assumed & tells you definitively if you actually DID! GAME changer..Remember, our bodies can rev up very early in the beginning of our cycle for our ovulation week when the body thinks that it's ready to ovulate, but it really isn't, and so that it slows it down, builds up a better follicle❤️🫶❤️🫶❤️🫶
and when it really is ready. Then we have a real ovulation, just be patient with your body. Be patient with yourself, keep testing, stay positive and hold on to hope! This is a science 💕💕💕💕🔑🔑🔑🔑
🌸💗🌸💗🌸 YOU GOT THIS MAMA'S! Softcups really helped me. Look into them as well U baby dance - then insert wear for 6-7 hours & them take out do that 3-4 times in your fertile window. & see if that helps (with everything else as well)
@Kaytlen I tried the mucinex for 3 months. I was on so many vitamins supplements for months, but this time I’m going to try Geritol, co10q, and mucinex this month. I used the disc after bd every day. I’m trying my best to keep my stress low. Thankfully I stopped drinking caffeine stuff.😭
@Hannah I’ll ask my ob next week. She want me to see her for pelvic and breast exam 🙃 I might just pay out of pocket depending what blood work I need for CD21? I pay $200 every month on Inito. It checks the hormone levels.
@Misty Rae Hi Misty! I’ve been doing Premom ovulation tests for years and Inito tests for 3 months. Logging Flo, Premom, and Inito every single day haha. I actually used disc as well and preseed every day! Thanks girl I’m trying to stay positive as I can!
@Desiree I believe it’s just a progesterone test but you should definitely ask your OB to confirm if you’re interested. I’m not a professional, just had it done! Best of luck!
Have to be at or above 10 to have ovulated.
And yes CD21! XO
@Desiree i wouldn't use preseed..
I also started taking progestrone from the day of my POS OPK. till positive HCG ✨️
If no pos hcg then stop taking & AF will show
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@Desiree my OB said the best days are CD 21-23. So if your cycles are on the longer side instead of the shorter side, you could wait for day 23. Personally I wouldn’t wait any longer than that, but that’s just my own opinion. :) what CD would typically be a week before your period?
@Hannah I have regular period CD 27-34 according to my ob … my ovulation usually on cd 14-16. last month was cd 18 which unusual for me. But im testing the ovulation test, it’s getting dark this week and im only cd12. What’s your opinion? Should I do bloodwork cd21 then?
@Desiree if you peak around cycle day 14 or sooner I’d stick with CD21! That’s just my own personal preference. that day has worked for me on months I wasn’t on clomid to confirm I did not ovulate, and also confirmed I did ovulate on the months when I am doing a medicated cycles. My period is always between 28-35 days, typically the 31/32 mark. When I ovulate it’s usually on CD 14 or 15.
@Desiree was this on CD21?
@Hannah yes
@Hannah I’m on Cd23 now
Sorry to hear that 😞 I wish our healthcare providers would offer more options sooner than 6+ months of trying with no pregnancy results. I only have noticeable cervical mucus on the day my egg drops, but I’ve heard some people have tried using mucinex to help with conception. Not sure if you’ve tried these, but some things that have worked for me were trying every other day in my fertile window (while using ovulation tests too), propping my hips up on a pillow for 10 minutes after (this is a wives tale, but I did it anyway lol), lowering stress levels, lowering my caffeine intake during fertile window, drinking plenty of water and eating foods that naturally increase progesterone (you can google these). ❤️