@Emily I’m sure they’re busy! But gosh they’re so slow!
My dating app won't be until I'm.exactly 14 weeks on 2nd Jan we went private today and got told I'm measuring ahead at 11 weeks when should only be 10+3 lol so cutting it fine for the official dating scan and tests
@Laura oh gosh no way!! I just want to have a date in my diary to look forward too🫣💫
Yes way I feel if I call up they'll not be able to bring it sooner as they're clearly busy but I want to make sure we don't miss the cut off for the down syndrome tests etc
I’m 11 weeks at the moment and my midwife’s 1st request for 12 week scan was cancelled without a reason given and now she’s requested again. 12 weeks is long enough to wait and now this is just making me so anxious. Il be calling the scanning department tomorrow to follow up. Hope you get yours through soon
Do you girls not have a booking app between 8-10 weeks and then a scan at 12? I thought it was the same everywhere. They’re two separate appointments for me x
@Emily yeah I do! They just haven’t been between 8-10 weeks. Last time my booking appointment was at 12 weeks then I had my scan 2 days later x
I had an email and it had gone to my junk folder! Nearly missed it x
2024 baby, I had my booking scan appt through at around 9 weeks for the week after then had my dating scan at just gone 12 weeks x
I had mine and it was absolutely not what I expected.😭
@Faith did you expect a scan?😅 the booking appointment is very ‘pointless’ in my eyes but I knew that😂😂
I have my first midwife appt on Weds next week and I will be 9+5 they book the 12 week scan in at that appt but they can’t give me an estimate of how long it may take to get one because of the Xmas break only said it will be before I am 14 weeks! I can’t wait until after Xmas for that so have booked a private one for this weekend!
I had to call up to cancel a smear test because I’d found out I was pregnant so they booked me in there and then for my first appt with the Midwife - was about 5 weeks. She said I’d come too early to do bloods so I’m going back on xmas eve to do that. I’ll be 9+2. I’ve not had anything through from the hosp I’ve registered with yet about scans but I’ve booked for a private one next week because I want reassurance. X
I’m 7 weeks today and I’ve had my appointment booked over a week ago, and few days before that I’ve received my invite letter for the 12 weeks scan.
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I only had mine at 10+2 after chasing it 3 times, the GP were adamant they'd referred me but they hadn't done it properly so had to chase it with the birth centre midwives who sorted it. Haven't got an appointment for my first scan yet though, waiting for a phone call or letter this week, hoping it will be soon as I'll be 12 weeks on xmas eve
@Ebony Rose no, I’ve never been pregnant before I was just expecting to talk not an Pap smear and pelvic exams.
@Faith that’s crazy!! I never had a pelvic exam until they checked how dilated I was in labour🙈 it’s so different in the uk, we only get examined if we are classed as high risk
I’ve registered with 3 different hospitals (one I really don’t want but it’s closest). Two gave me an appointment straight away (will be 7.5 and 8 weeks). The one I didn’t want hasn’t even acknowledged me yet and I requested it nearly 5 weeks ago. It depends which hospital you’re under x